Wednesday 4 September 2024






 As luck would have it, for the rest of the day no major storms or other such adverse weather conditions had hindered his progress.  The incessant winds changing course by mid-morning had fortunately herded (blew) the flotilla of clouds away, leading them instead towards northeasterly direction of the open sea. By noon Kaimu’s persistence and gambling had truly paid off. The open skies and sea bathed in beautiful sun’s golden rays, in the end had heralded a most glorious sunset.

Kaimu ceased his labors just as the dusk (twilight) was encroaching on Earth and returned home with his good bounty of fish. In his elated mood he first however took added care to wash up by the shed and wiped clean his mud-caked soles of his footwear, before entering the sturdy cabin that had withstood many adverse weather conditions.

 Ensa greeted him joyfully, with a beaming face, for thankfully he’d returned all in one piece!  Kaimu, resembling a conquering hero, was affectionately ushered into his favorite chair.

“How is she?” Kaimu asked impatiently, looking askew at the direction of the sleeping stranger, as he’d same time grabbed hold on to his wife’s arm and tugged at her sleeve.

“She’s as well as can be expected. Considering what the poor thing’s been through!” His wife answered, nodding. “She’s asleep now, so mind your voice!” She admonishingly placed the right forefinger over her pursed lips. Coyly tugged back to free her left sleeve then going to the stove, she fetched him a bowl. “Here, eat these while I prepare you some fish.”  She mocked impatience, putting a bowl of steaming porridge in front of him.

He Knew this was the last ration (speck) of food, that they had and that she in her unselfishness had reserved it for him, naturally giving some of it to the girl while going hungry herself all day long.

“No. No.” Touched by her generosity, he grasped her sleeve and looking into her eyes, earnestly insisted: “You should have some as well; you also need to preserve your strength.  I’m not really all that hungry; besides, I do not want to spoil my appetite and would rather wait for the fish.”

“Do I look famished to you?  No. You go ahead.” With a gentle tug releasing her arm, she lied. “Earlier I cooked me some eatable roots that I’d collected, rather dug up, from that small clearing, you know, that safe patch at the edge of the creek.” Indicating the sleeping girl with her chin she then added, “I went there in search of some additional herbs that she might require for her swift recovery. More precisely, I needed a Yufor plant to treat her more serious injuries. You’d used up the last batch. While I was there, I chanced on this bonus of edible roots. You think I would have had this much energy if I’d gone hungry until now?” 

But seeing that he needed more convincing, she spun a lengthier yarn: “I would have saved you a good portion of the nourishing root, for it has so many added benefits, far too numerous to recount.”

“I know, I know.” Kaimu waved a dismissive hand. “I’ve heard it all before. It will cure all ailments under the Sky… After all, it’s Heaven’s miracle food.”

“As it were, I know how much you detest the taste.” Ensa overlooked the sarcastic interruption. “Last time finding it unpalatable, you nearly retched all over my newly scrubbed floor. Imagine, a tough man like you, being so finicky about food! Tisk…Tisk.” She teased him mildly getting him back, as she again rushed off.

Kaimu was in truth, famished. So, after a moment’s hesitation he just shrugged it off and dug in ravenously. Within minutes he had polished the bottom of the wooden bowl.

“Need any help with the fish?” He then raised his head and stretching his bones called out sheepishly in a loud whisper. He grinned, as at the same time his eyes tracked her busy movements.  Such a good, capable wife she was. He was truly blessed! Yes, it was the blessings from Heaven, on that stormy night the way his late father’s path had crossed with a stranded scribe (scholar) burdened no less, with a scrawny frightened, sick child. Despite his father’s valiant efforts (in aiding, treating the wounds,) the scribe had died of his grave injuries soon after in a shroud of mystery and unanswered questions. That little girl, however, had beaten the odds and later blossomed into a beautiful young girl to in due course become his wife.


Kaimu was startled from his revere when the spiraling aroma of cooked fish filled the room. He sniffed the air and licked his lips in happy anticipation. He did not know how she did it, but she always managed to transform even the most mundane fare (provisions) into such veritable gourmet treats!

The wooden plates heaped up with sizzling delicacies (as she used local herbs previously gathered) were soon placed in front of him on the table. But Kaimu refusing to touch a morsel insisted they both sit down together and simultaneously partake (of) in this welcome feast.

When he had fully satiated his hunger only then, he spared added thought to the girl’s future predicament. Hmmm! But that discussion (entailing some details) will have to wait. Throwing a sideways glance at his wife, he mused. As it were, his good wife had waited patiently for him to tell of his day’s adventures. He, he! He devilishly grimaced. Suspense must be killing her!

His belly bursting with food, the old fisherman with a broad, mischievous grin on his lips sat back contentedly and rubbed it for relief.  Belching and burping he then with some elaboration, taking certain artistic license, told his captive audience the thrilling (sequence of) events of the day.  Well into the night, in an unusually good mood Kaimu simply rattled on, reveling in his latest triumph, meanwhile trying his wife’s patience.

As it became her turn then, “Suffice it to say, you are a good healer Ensa!” He responded with pleasure to the promising report on the girl’s prognosis.

 “I’ve always said we are complimentary, twice as strong we are, as a pair.  As always, I’m glad to see my efforts had not been in vain.”

 Hah…he. He then repeatedly chuckled to himself, grinning from ear to ear lost in some mischievous thought. His wife meanwhile had busied herself with clearing away of the empty dishes from the table.

Halting her beehive of activity at one point and turning, “What are you concocting in that diabolical brain of yours, Kaimu?” she asked. “Silly man, I should think you’d be exhausted after such an adventurous, grueling day. As you have nothing further to do, why not go to bed.” In jest, she mockingly scolded him.

But he’d not heard a word of it. “I was just thinking, what luck, a sure gift!” His head reeling with excitement, he suddenly burst forth (rejoiced) in a chortle, with his body pumped up now with sheer delight like a bloated puffer fish. “I tell you; we are truly blessed! Here we are worried sick that we could never be able to amass (accrued, accumulated) enough cash, even for a measly dowry, to enable our son to marry.” Then growing serious, (in a grave tone) he stressed. “You must admit that over and above the living expenses, we had no means to afford even a cheapest bride; therefore, faced a bleak prospect of being deprived of our God-given right to grandchildren in our old age.  Ha-ha! Then the blessed sea sends us this good catch!”  Grinning broadly now from ear to ear, in his exalted state he jovially slammed his palm (hand) on the table with such force that it rattled the mug of hot tea, as it was filled to the brim, that she’d moments before had brought it over for him to drink.

“Ha-ha! Who would have guessed…? What luck!  It’s a sure gift from the sea!”

His wife, in fear of more spillages had at once rushed over and grasped (clutched) the mug’s large handle in order to steady it.  Subsequently mopping up the spillage, “Have you gone mad? Shush!” She taxed (admonished) him meekly. Deferring (postponing) his ready response, in silence they both listened intently for a few minutes with both heads cocked in (turned towards) the direction of the girl. Fortunately, the girl did not even stir; she remained fast asleep, dead to the world. 

“Kaimu,” she then turning to face him, reasoned in soft, though somewhat serious tone, “aren't you being too presumptuous?  How can you talk as if you owned her?  She might belong to someone …Might have a spouse (husband) already. In any event, she certainly has a family… A family that might come looking for her!  She is not some fish that you can lay claim to as easily as that!”

That did it! 

Her words in one stroke had blown away his entire prior good, fluffy mood and replaced it with dark equanimity and anger.

“What family?”  Kaimu snapped.   “Can you deny that she was cast off at sea? Shipwrecked, as the result of that fierce storm that had passed!  If she has, had any family, they too would have perished in that storm.”

“Even if it were so...still, I cannot help wondering.” Ensa insisted on braving his wrath.  A brief silence ensued as she then hesitated to sort out her concerns.  Meanwhile Kaimu sullenly sat, pondering, seething in anger. 

“Besides,” she then hurriedly added, “have you not noticed that something is very odd about her?”

What are you talking about now?” He jeered, shaking his head.  “Stirring up trouble where there is none, that's what!”  Angrily he slammed his fist on the table. His tone had risen despite his forced restraint. He inhaled deeply, let it out, then spoke poignantly (keenly) with intermitting bouts of pleading tone. “For once, can we not take what’s been freely given to us without question? Aren’t you tired of our hard lot?  In case you haven’t (been made aware) wised up to the fact, let me spell it out for you: We are getting on in years! A scant number of good years are left ahead. Now you may be willing to endure endless crap (discomfort), but my patience is at an end. I want what is my due and, also a far better turn for us both from here on!”

His wife maintaining her sweet disposition had lowered her head. She understood the source of his anxiety. Using softer tone and more amiable words she now affected her submissive role while endeavoring to placate her husband's mood. 

“You mustn’t complain dear. Hasn’t Heaven always been good to us?  All this time we lacked for nothing, why, because we’ve never strayed from the righteous course (path) however desperate we’d been! We’re strong in spirit and body, all thanks to the Gods.”

“It’s all a bunch of malarkeys!” He burst. “No, I’m fed up, I tell you… I’m tired of always making do… There will be some changes from now on. I’ve listened to you long enough.  In future, I mean to do whatever is necessary to…!” Kaimu grunted defiantly, and then relenting, chewed on the reminder of his words.

“Dear husband,” Once more she gently interrupted him wanting to get her point across, before he unleashed his usual tirade.  He was a stubborn fellow, but he had a good, honest heart. As for her, she had a strong, unyielding spirit and willpower that refused to sacrifice her innate ethics, refused to give in to prevalent bad elements that surrounded them (was all around them).

Considered one of the worst postings in the country, the exiled venal government officials, for the last decade and a half had found this troublesome Province a serious liability for the scant returns. To meet the taxing demands of the Capital, therefore, the newly appointed Provincial governor had underhandedly permitted and even encouraged all sorts of illicit activities. This held particularly true in all the major townships, where the exact prize for the local inhabitants had been to have no real, legitimate local government or enforcement law officers of any kind for justice and order. Meanwhile the region being a powerful magnet for dissidents, rather, rejects of civilized society: the mushrooming, underground organizations- secretly sanctioned by the government- had in due course (flourished) thrived through unbridled extortion. There were dealings in illegal drugs, prostitution, trafficking contraband goods, kidnappings and more often than that, cold-blooded maiming, mutilations and murders. Naturally in this dangerous environment, the stranded, muzzled, honest citizens lived by the skin of their teeth. The unscrupulous, puppet government after all, had had a major stake in all the illicit gains. As it were, resultant gruesome episode of the last decade, the authorized contentious power now rested in the hands of two rival gangs that to date had ruthlessly controlled (dominated) the allocated, segments -the so called, parcels of land and people.

The same held true even for this remote, desolate stretch where Kaimu and Ensa lived. The other inhabitants, the so-called fishermen, fared better, only because they’d succumbed to temptation. Accordingly, engaged in the endless trafficking of contraband goods and other vile, illicit acts (goings on) swelled their bellies (abdomen) and purses but, as Ensa had so often pointed out, stained their reputation, and more importantly, their eternal soul. The repercussion of gruesome premature end unfortunately was not a good enough deterrent, as the material benefits far outweighed the perils.

Unrelentingly, she again pushed once more to get her point across. 

Kaimu was perhaps uncouth, at times even sacrilegious, but he loved her. And in the end always came around to doing the right, honorable thing. Married when she was barely thirteen and he well into his twenties, despite the age difference and bumpy start, to date they had had a blissful cohabitation. Nor had he ever given her a serious cause for any regret! 

But this time- and this she was to learn later- she’d seriously underestimated his desperation.

“No, no.” she insisted, changing the subject.  “I'm talking about her clothes.”

“Ha? What about them?” he asked agitated.

“Why, they are man's clothes.”

“So, what!” he grumbled, leaning back. “I could see that for myself wife, I’m not blind!”

“Very well then dear Husband,” she poignantly reasserted, “You must then also acknowledge that no matter which part of the country one comes from, which background, whether rich or poor, the standard, the quality of clothing is markedly different for each.  Now while her outer garments, without a doubt, are that of a mercantile class, her embroidered undergarments are of such fine quality of silk and lace- that it’s befitting nothing short of a lady of highest rank and substance! I venture to guess, could even be that of nobility! I’ve hung them all up to dry in our son’s old room, go see for yourself, if you doubt me!”

“I’m no pervert. When have I ever looked or handled woman’s undergarments that I should do so now? Imagine all this fuss you’re raising over mere clothes! I may be an uncouth fellow, certainly not as learned as you but I too have some worldly (sophisticated) experience, there was no cause for your high-handed speech. Now be straight with me… What are you really trying to say, what’s the actual point woman?” he scoffed with a jeer.  But without waiting for her to answer he then added, “Besides, why should that make any difference?”

“Husband, ignorant as I am,” she began humbly, after being so chastised, “I think it's safe to (say) speculate that she was under disguise at the time of catastrophe at sea, for a definite reason!  It may even be that...”

“Bah!” Kaimu interrupted sharply.  And now having lost all patience, with a retort he dismissed her words.  “What difference does it make whether she was wearing men's clothes or not, whether she has a wealthy family or not?  Nobility! Bah! Next thing I know, you’ll be claiming that she’s a Princess!  Women, why are you trying to provoke me?  Stop trying to spoil my happiness, or I swear you'll see the back of my hand!” 

This threat could be prelude to a beating. A thing he’d sworn never to do since that last time, a long, long time ago, when as newlyweds they had both been headstrong and young. His face now flushed with anger; he reaffirmed this threat with a slam of his fist on the table.

“You are such a sour old woman, always trying my patience, confusing my head, always dampening my spirits with your web of tales, with your uncontrolled imagination running amok and your daunting pious beliefs!  Don’t get me started now!” 

He shook his head as he gritted his teeth. He took a deep breath, then after a brief repose, before she could respond, he begun again. “Tell me, where did all this careful, virtuous living or all that morality get us? Why aren’t you discontented with the scant reserves and our meager livelihood? Always living on the edge, we are no better than scavenging rats! We’re the worst of the lot. Why? Because of your insistence of being upright and proper! When I had that accident, we’d suffered greatly because we exist on the margin. What’s wrong with wanting a bit more out of life now and then, if only to soften the next blow, to cushion the next (subsequent) inevitable adversity…Or catastrophe! I cannot always be strong for you; I’m getting on in years. When I become too old and feeble, what will become of us then? We’ll fall prey and be consumed as easily as flies being swatted!”

She always had her fate to keep her strong. But Kaimu being more a pragmatist, the growing concerns robbed him of any solace. In his restless state Ensa feared he would seek unwarranted trouble. Especially since Kaimu’s raised concerns could not be disputed or dismissed.

Reduced to silence, her head riddled with worrisome thoughts, Ensa left to fetch the pot (on the burner) to anew refill his mug. Knowing that any attempt to dissuade him from his aim now would be in vain: she’d sought this opportunity to get away to provide him with time to calm down.

The fear of vulnerability that his accident had evoked; being so incapacitated, it had changed him somewhat!

But as if deranged, he’d continued (to explode) with his long-winded tirades (diatribes), perhaps, in part trying to convince himself to override any intrusive moral reason.  “I found her and as a rule of the sea she belongs to me.  Me, you understand!  Not you!  Me! Besides, if I had not saved her life, she would have been fishmeal by now; so what are you gibbering this nonsense about, foolish woman!” 

His anger and fury now unleashed he continued to cuss (swear/curse) under his breath.  Why does she persist in taking contrary (opposing) viewpoint and spoil everything?  Obstinate woman! How can she be so blinded to their despondency? He’d realized his worst fear when he’d been incapacitated, admittedly, for the first time in a long memory. But the so-called “alarm-bell” had resounded so loudly in his head and chest that to date he quaked in fear for her wellbeing, her welfare!

She would not survive a day without him!

His hand violently shoved aside the mug that she’d just refilled to the brim. The careless, angry act however had its consequence. The mug’s hot contents had spilled all over the table, not sparing his hand. Scolded, the pain gave him added reason to bellow. His head exploding now with all that fury, his face flushed bead red and his fists, despite the stinging pain, clenched. Frowning, (with knit eyebrows) he burrowed his fierce, piercing gaze (eyes) on her back as she’d rushed off to fetch him some soothing ointment. He started to say something ugly, but then on second thought he relented. Staying (holding) his tongue, he sprang from his seat and darted outside without so much as a word.

In the cool, crisp air, unrestrained, he unleashed his anger on any hindrance. He kicked around indiscriminately and fumed, swearing, cursing, and grumbling animatedly under his breath, until his rage was spent. 

Though very much concerned, she knew better than to go after him, and so had let him be.

After a period of absence (spell) he returned, seemingly pacified, closing the door behind him.

With cool heads prevailing, he was now ready to resume sensible discussion, or failing that, with his ready rebuttal. Seated at the table once more, he with disdain pushed away the soothing paste she’d kept ready in hand, “There’s no need.”

 “Bring me that wine.” After the momentary stalemate stare, he grumbled, still bearing a grudge. “Not that one!” he stormed anew, when she’d rushed him the small jar of homemade wine. “I want the one we've been saving for!” Then he added adamantly, leaving no room for a discussion.  “Tonight, I mean to celebrate!”

She did not dare raise any more objections or in any way contradict him this time, not when he was still in such a foul mood, so in obedience (complying,) she quickly went off to fetch the wine that she had hidden in a secret place at the back shed.  She had concealed this jug of wine there for quite some time now in happy anticipation of their son's safe return.

As she dusted the cobwebs and dirt of the jug she vented her anger in a mumble, deeming that her husband had finally lost all sense and that he had gone stark, raving mad. “Acting like a senseless youth, imagine claiming ownership to a person as if he is some lord or God!”

When she returned to the cabin with the sealed jug of wine, she found Kaimu better disposed, having once again been transformed into his earlier gentler self. In her absence, Kaimu had inwardly redressed the innate problems, in the end choosing not to dwell on the negative aspects or the possible repercussions for keeping the girl.  Instead, he chose to concentrate on the future happiness and on the expected prosperity (prosperous returns) the bounty would bring”.

Smiling, Kaimu now watched his frowning wife place the jug and a single cup on the table. He reached out but instead of the jug, affectionately grabbed hold of her hand and looking into her eyes said in a gentle, placating tone, “Wife, let us not argue.  This is a very lucky day for us.  We should be happy. We should be rejoicing, yes, be celebrating the good catch and of my being restored to good health. My love, do bring over another cup and join me.”

Somewhat pacified, she went to fetch herself a cup.  When she returned, she warned, “But only one turn, you know I cannot tolerate spirit of this strength.”

Feeling more masculine, “Sure, sure. You’ll get only the pious drops.” he chuckled jesting, then proceeded to fill both cups to the brim.

“You shouldn’t make fun of my faith (belief).” She feigned admonition as she reached for hers. They both laughed, feeling lighter in their heart.

This storm inside had been averted as well.   In his conciliatory mood, he now grinned from ear to ear.

Besides, the less she drank, the more there’d be left for him to consume.

She had outwardly given in; inwardly however, as she slowly sipped the unsavory drink, she still could not help pondering on the concern that his celebration was bit too premature:  Undoubtedly the girl belonged to some powerful family. Why, everything about her spoke volumes in gentility. Furthermore, someone had gone to a lot of trouble, when faced with certain peril, to secure (fasten) her on a solid piece of expensive furniture or cabin door. This she’d deduced from Kaimu’s description of the wood. That singular, courageous act had definitely saved her life. In this small community, with so many unlawful opportunists running amok, her presence would be noted, and being seen as a valuable commodity, sooner or later someone would come to lay claim to her.  In the wake of that, Heaven only knew what other unforeseen repercussions may follow. 

But despite (all her misgivings and) the sense of foreboding, Ensa in the end, as she’d so often done, conceded to the fact that they could do nothing or little else to alter the inevitable outcome of things, being but mere pawns at (in) capricious fate’s hands.

Oh well, tomorrow was another day. Perhaps Gods will be merciful! She’d therefore with a shrug, went about her chores quietly and got the bedding ready. Then before her husband got too intoxicated, she asked his help in transferring the sleeping girl to their son’s room that had been temporarily (previously used for) converted into storage space. There, things already put away, in a cleared space she’d already prepared more comfortable, suitable bedding for their guest.

“Also, in that room the girl would be less disturbed.” She’d reasoned, providing Kaimu with an opportunity of break.

He’d obligingly responded, then unfortunately, forgoing sleep, returned to resume his drinking. In the small hours of the night, as he drained one cup after another, he was placed still at a more jovial mood.  His bouts of laughter resounded like a loud bell in that small hut and his excited chatter was enough to wake the sleeping mouse of the habitant.

“What fortuity, what a delicious, good luck!  Not one, but two good catches in one day!” he chuckled, in a self-congratulatory mood.  “I am a fortunate man this very night.  With such a prize, things are bound to look up for us from now on.”

 Ensa could barely keep her eyes open, coming over she reached down to urge him to go to bed, when he suddenly grabbed her hand. Insistently hanging on, he eventually persuaded her to sit by his side, to keep him company. “It’s no fun drinking all by my lonesome. Here love; won’t you share another cupful with me to celebrate?” He winked with a devilish grin on his lips.

Not waiting for her response, he then quickly filled another cup and reaching forth, pressed the rim to her lips in a forceful persuasion.

Seeing that he was tipsy and not wishing to antagonize him, she complied.

He was not going to see sense this night.  She might as well try to be amicable. She therefore took another forced sip against her better judgment; but jerked her head back almost immediately, short of more intakes.

“Go on, drink it,” he persisted generously, again pressing the rim to her lips to force her to more intakes (consumption).

“I’d rather not, dear husband’” she protested in an adamant voice. “You know I get sick if I drink too much.  But you go on ahead, as you seem to be having no ill effects.” 

When the other showed his displeasure with an obvious frown, she hurried to coax him, “Besides, what do I know about the taste.  It’s all the same to me. You would only be throwing it away.  A sure connoisseur you, drink it all, or better still, save some of it for yet another day.”  After all, past experiences had taught Ensa how best to handle her husband.

“Quite right, very well,” he acquiesced, smiling sheepishly.  With that, he downed both cups in two quick consecutive gulps, emptying them in repetition all at once into his grateful belly.  Afterwards, he smacked his lips with pleasure and winked at his wife, “Come closer you ravishing beauty, come sit on my lap.”

She simply shook her head, and ceasing the chance, rushed off, half turning only to say coyly, “You forget, we have company.”

“After all these years, you’re still playing hard to get. Do I have to come get you?”

But as he’d been unaccustomed to strong spirits, even though the contents of the jar had been only half consumed, when he tried to stand up, feeling light-headed and vertiginous (woozy), he slumped right back into chair.

“Woo- look at all the stars!  Hey, the room is spinning! Are we caught in a typhoon?”

Before she ejected a response however, (his head reeling,) feeling giddy he simply passed out, with his head and torso collapsing on the table. 


With some difficulty his wife finally got him to bed and tugged him under the warm quilt. Snug as a bunny, he snored loudly till daybreak, in most part keeping her awake. 



Rising at dawn the following morning with a terrible hangover- however maintaining his uplifted and happier spirits of the night before- he still managed to leave for the sea, as the conditions of weather continued to be favorable.


(End of section 2)

(Be sure to check back for the next post of Fisherman's Prize, Section 3)

Tuesday 3 September 2024




Thomas Masters Dalton (1831–1908)



From the beginning of time the incessant northern storms had violently swept across the Sea of Kontu crashing against the sheer cliffs of Wenjenkun with tempestuous fury to permanently mar or mold crazed abstract forms on this already scarred, irredeemable land.  With fair days few and far between on this inhospitable strand, incredibly, a small number of persistent, stalwart fishermen still managed to eke out a meager subsistence from the unforgiving, turbulent sea.




Most recent of these storms, lasting in intensity without wane four or five days, had been so severe that only now, when it had barely subsided, the bravest, the most stubborn or the most desperate of men, would have dared venture into it. 



Thomas Masters Dalton (1831–1908)

It so happens that one such fisherman named Kaimu, in defiance of all reason, cursing the elements, at the crack of dawn had set his small craft out to sea. He’d reassured himself that he was overall in excellent physical health and though middle-aged (in his late 40’s) he was still agile enough and possessed great stamina/strength to meet any impending challenges that would be mated out to him by the exacting “Mother Nature”.  Now ordinarily, he too would have paid heed to nature’s dire warnings: after all, the overhead sky was still riddled with ominous, flotilla of (billowing) clouds! This aspect among others had deterred his fellow fishermen from the perilous enterprise. But as ill-luck would have it, resultant of his cursed land-born accident that had inevitably incapacitated him for a time- his patience and their meager life provisions had been reduced to nil.

      Nor could he stomach one more accursed, infernal root- for the supposed, medicinal sustenance!

A proud man, he’d never be caught dead opining, let alone receiving a handout from his closest neighbor; nevertheless, he had his wife Ensa to consider. In the last couple of days, it had pained him to see her put through such hardships. Though she’d never once complained, now that he had his mobility back, nothing short of death would deter him from his resolve. 

Besides, having spent his entire existence, rather subsistence, at this desolate (forlorn, dismal) corner, he’d always had this strange love and hate relationship with the Sea. From childhood, fishing had been in his life’s blood. Now, as he charted alone, the precarious course, the fickle sea foaming at the mouth, sprayed his face in tauntingly in greeting- as at the same time the towering, churning waves embraced and somewhat gyrated his seemingly toy craft off its heading (mark).  Undaunted, he steered hard to remain on the intended bearing; but sporadically still, (every now and then) his boat would be helplessly tossed about and whirled (reeled) as if caught in the whims of an impetuous, harlot.

"Tempestuous wench, I dare you to do your worst…You owe me, and I mean to reclaim my right!"  He cursed aloud then clenched his jaw in defiance with a certain determination, mindful of the dangers abounding, with every fiber of his being now poised to tackle the unexpected. Despite his layered clothing however, a shiver passed through him as the bitter cold mercilessly seeped into his lungs with every intake of breath. Sudden gusting, biting winds rising in intensity meanwhile buffeted his sleeves and admonishingly trashed his already etched sculptured features, making him squint.

Would this blasted weather ever subside (let up)?

Christian Krohg (1852–1925)

Apart from his physical exertion, he was also quietly disconcerted deep down in his heart, to see so much wooden debris floating about on the surface water.  Far more than usual, far more than he’d anticipated. All evidence pointed to (foretold) a vessel or vessels’ calamity; hence, loss of myriad lives!  Many torn pieces of flesh and bones would be fishmeal, but an infinite number of identifiable human parts or corpses would also be washed ashore. Subsequently wild dogs or birds would feast on them.

He dreaded such gruesome reminders of man’s vulnerability!

The shoreline was barely visible now, at a deemed favorable spot, he dropped anchor. Steadying himself, he was about to cast his sturdy net over the sea (floor) when just then his keen eyesight espied (spotted) an intact floating figure at some distance.

Rubbing his eyes he focused his attention on the partially submerged object that lay beneath the unconscious, seemingly lifeless human. His clear vision partially obscured by the bobbing waves, Kaimu could barely discern the thick ropes that fastened the castoff- therefore keeping him afloat- on a large, sturdy piece of dark wood.

"Hmm! Looks to me a valuable commodity, a door perhaps, or a chest."   A hopeful light shone in his eyes, despite the odds stacked against it being so. Then again, why should he bother; besides, the person could have already expired… dead as a doornail he would be from exposure to cold!

Kaimu in quandary gnawed at his lower lip as he same time thoughtfully stroked the chin.  Just then however the situation took on an urgent turn when he glimpsed (detected, pinpointed) large school of sharks over yonder headed straight for the castaway.


 “Not if I can help it!” Without hesitation, on the perchance the poor soul was still alive, he quickly aborted his earlier aim of casting the net. With incredible agility and strength, he first hauled the anchor up, and then raced his craft (vessel) straight (into) towards certain peril in order to rescue that poor unfortunate being. Having reached the spot, he, with the use of his sharp dagger quickly released the bonds and hauled the unconscious body up on board- just in the nick of time too! Sharks having missed their mark, circled the boat with certain frenzy, some irately bumping it, then just as swiftly they swerved and swam away towards yet another opportunity.  With the passing of this certain danger, Kaimu grinned elatedly. 

On second thought, forsaking the idea of salvaging the ‘adrift-wood-piece’, he now turned his attention back on the rescued being. Squatting, he carefully checked for the vital signs. The face was ghostly white (devoid of any color) but the body was nonetheless warm. The pulse, although faint, was still there.  There were some bruises and cuts, some bleeding, but nothing serious.  Aha…. Hahn!

“What’s this, a woman?”  He was suddenly taken back and so abruptly yanked (jerked, pulled) his hand away.

It’s most puzzling, indeed? His suspicious, scrutinizing gaze affixed on the unconscious being, he absentmindedly scratched his forehead; for plainly enough, the drenched, rather prosperous attire was that of male’s. 

Hmm, what probable mischief was at play here… Could she be an escapee, a run-away?

When just then she made a faint whimpering sound and stirred, oh who cares, at least she’s alive! Kaimu elatedly shrugged, having received added confirmation that at least his expansive efforts had not been in vain after all. As she seemed to be laboring for breath however, he now gently turned her on to her side and patted (pounded) her back. Pat, pat, pat…

She coughed, pinkish hue brushed her lovely cheeks and her lips parting, she spewed (ejected, disgorged) some seawater.  The eyelids fluttered, opened just a crack but then she, once more going ghostly pale, passed out cold. Kaimu knew all too well the signs of shock and what the subsequent requirement would entail.  Cold as he was, without a moment’s hesitation he took off his dry outer jacket, and as she was petite in frame, pretty much wrapped her whole body in it. Deferring his plans to fish until later, he then quickly applied himself to the oars (rowed) and swiftly steered his small craft back to the shore. His feet trod quickly on the wet, slippery path as he with ease carried her in his arms to his meager dwelling.

“Look what the sea has given us!”  Kicking the door wide open with his left foot, he barged right in leaving muddy footprints on the clean floor and laid her on the cot.  

“I shall leave her to your competent care.”  As he said this, he’d also quickly retrieved (reclaimed) his coat and put it back on. Then without sparing another moment for a response or an explanation to Ensa’s barrage of questions, he turned right around (on his heels) and darted out.

She’d nimbly rushed after him to outside and persisted with her loud inquiries. But there was so little time for him to waste; the weather could take a turn for the worse at any moment! Hence, ignoring his wife’s entreaties, his back still turned to her, he raised his right hand up high in the air and waved a dismissive goodbye. Just like a woman! Exhaling an impatient huff, he shook his head as he quickly retraced his steps back to his boat. After returning to the proximity of the earlier spot, he then dropped anchor and cast his homemade net into the sea.

(To be continued in the next post.) 



Sunday 1 September 2024



(An original epic story unraveling overtime with sequential posts)



The northernmost border of Korion had been marked by a range of lofty, serrated peaks, seven in number, appropriately named “The Pillars of Heaven”.  Their astral summits (stellar zeniths) were completely obscured by crowning clouds, relegating all perception of their true elevation to the realm of fantasy.  Snow and ice permanently capped the stratospheric part of this mystic range and from the north (the north-pole) the driving, howling winds thrashed the slopes mercilessly, scouring the glacier clean of any life form. Ergo, the popular folklore of Korion had always maintained that the breath of the world was being drawn in through these august peaks. This inhospitable region of sub-freezing temperatures meanwhile had effectively deterred any human from traversing it; yet remarkably, the national lore persisted of an ancient race, old beyond the Earth itself, possessing powers most strange and subtle, dwelling and thriving in this desolation.




In that never ending cycle of nature, as anew (afresh) the darkness enshrouded (veiled) the Earth in obscurity, on the majestic slopes the falling flakes yet again sought refuge from the relentless scourge of the wind by hiding in crevices and under ledges in swirling eddies. 


 On this typically forbidding (austere) night, “The Elders of Karn”, an ancient race of people each ranking over six feet tall in height, with long fiery red hairs, pale gray eyes and pale skin, all identically clad in white nondescript garments with hoods, each sporting a different shades of crystal amulet that hung from their neckline- had been seated around the lashing tongues of fire, for an indefinite period, listening with rapt attention to the one named Dwengzur recounting the success of his mission.

Silence fell at the conclusion of Dwengzur’s report. The primary, the most ancient one known as “Aegeus”, thoughtfully stroking his long, fiery red beard, now slightly leaned forward and without moving his lips, in measured intonation suggested to Dwengzur that the report may need a touch more elaboration.  Before Dwengzur had a chance to show his surprise at this most unusual request, the other Elders displaying an uncharacteristic curiosity added their collective nods and silent murmurs, as if in droning chorus.  “Yes, brother,” their voices burst in his head, tells us more news of the outside world.  “Tell us of the recent changes!”

“This is most peculiar! Much has changed during my long absence; why this sudden interest in the forsaken mortal realms?” Dwengzur locking his mind up and retreating to that private segment that could not be penetrated, a privileged right, he for a spell, pondered. Centuries had passed since the last great struggle that’d in the interim seriously depleted their numbers and erased in its entirety the female gender of their race. From thence unable to propagate, their longevity being the only other boon to their special powers- yes, the final war had been won but at a heavy cost.

Cassars, rock spirit entities, that had eventually been enslaved by Karns and so kept in check- had been the catalyst of this catastrophic dissention (discord) among existing ancient races. Set against one another the other elite powers had all one by one been eliminated, purged, extinguished. As sole remaining custodians of this world, by consensus of the elders of Karn, they had spared Cassars from total annihilation only to imprison them and allowed the species of men to have the sole dominion over Earth.


Cassars (in another form)

Since that time, spanning several centuries now, race of Karn had secretly co-existed with men, in the remotes corner of these icy-peaks; meanwhile, affording mankind that certain measure of safety- as Cassars’ contained or bested by the utilization of ice or water were then indefinitely imprisoned in the protective water crystal amulet that each Karn wore. It was a bane (burden) to be endured till the end of time.


The ancient race of Karn had always lived by very stringent tribal laws.  On most rare instance, any would be offender, without mercy and without the benefit of any trial, would be condemned to be a non-entity and then swiftly terminated.

The other unwritten law was that no one got to leave the tribe, willingly or unwillingly, alive.  But then one resourceful renegade Immortal known as Chandor, (also known as Zandar Kuntzu, the name he’d adapted at outside), had succeeded in doing the impossible. 


The day before Dwengzur was to depart on the most difficult and dire assignment, he’d been secretly informed (briefed) By Elder Aegeus (who had the power to only visit the sight and invoking an incantation, pick up all that had transpired there) on the pertinent details relating to this case:

It so happened that Chandor (Zandar Kuntzu) was the only surviving direct descendent of the primary, the most ancient Aegeus. Chandor hence, carried the Royal bloodline and the rare gene that would enable him, when he reached the Earth years of 40, to be transformed at will, into the most fearsome creature, Dragon. 

Dwengzur’s  assignment had been to find and destroy him as well as the child that he’d secretly sired, well before that time. Extrapolating on this, Elder Aegeus had then revealed to Dwngzur that, in an undisclosed sector of the main Cave, a prisoner had been held for some time now who happened to be the daughter of His Eminence Olavingemar.  Her name was Tekubzan, the most enchanting creature born to the race of Karn. In fact, she’d been the sole surviving female species of their race who had escaped total inhalation   because of her secret (captivity) incarceration.  At the earth age of 10, at the Divination Ceremony where the new generation’s fortunes were read, her ominous prediction had revealed that she unfortunately was the carrier of a seed that would be the harbinger of, utter obliteration (eradication) of their (Karn’s) race.  She was therefore condemned to die by the Chief Elders in a unanimous vote in order to circumvent (avoid, prevent) this inevitability. His Eminence Olavigemar entrusted this task to his most trusted and able assistant Meju, but he at the last moment had found out that he could not carry out this sentence. Instead, he privately consulted the Stars and chose another option, a preferred alternative to her execution. Of course, he’d paid the ultimate price in order to preserve this great secret forever, the very secret that had been discovered only recently due to a strange set of circumstances.  Anyhow, her life had been spared but she’d been condemned nevertheless to a far crueler fate: an imprisonment for life behind an impenetrable, a one piece of solid rock at the furthest point and the deepest recesses of the Cave which the Elders of Karn once a year held counsel. The thickness of it muted all sound from escaping. The council meetings were later transferred at a more favorable location.  For nearly a decade, this fair maiden had languished in the dark, well forgotten, save for her father who secretly still longed for his only offspring.  Tekubzan being an immortal never needed sustenance or liquids; she’d been therefore only provided by Meju (before his demise), some textiles and garments to appropriately (cover her body) cloth herself as she grew up.  She lived in solitary confinement and in pitch darkness behind that solid rock wall that looked to be a natural part of the cave. In time she was totally forgotten, especially by the new generation which Chandor (Zandar Kuntzu) happened to be. 

Chandor (Zandar) at 20 earth years, possessing a curious and explorative nature, more than once had secretly ventured into the forbidden depths of the Cavern. Due to rare, once in a millennium seismic event, a fissure, a crack had occurred on the solid wall, which Chandor (Zandar), on one of his expeditions, came upon. He drew near to examine it.  With his unusual and super-human hearing, he at that point happened to detect the slight sound of stirring behind, telling of a life, a creature that must have dwelled there. He enlarged the gap as best as he could, and holing up a light to it, peered in to investigate the source. He was shocked to discover an enchanting being, clearly a female creature staring back at him. He worked diligently and secretly for almost a year, till eventually he could get the opening large enough to get his physical body through it. The beautiful creature clad in tattered clothing on the other side was frightened at first and besides which, forgotten the vernacular. But no words were necessary for communication. He pitied and same time was terribly drawn to her. From then on, whenever he could he stole away and visited her. In time having gained her confidence, the two grew quite close. They spent many happy moments together and eventually fell deeply in love with each other. Being sort of a rebel in character, he would not shy away from most taboos; but he was nevertheless reluctant to be too intimate with her, knowing the consequence, knowing that if he did, she might be impregnated. When the desire became too great for them to resist, thinking he’d taken apt precautions, the two one night shared a most blissful, intimate time together. That time he’d left after promising to visit her the next day. But unforeseen circumstances had prevented him for many months from calling on her. When he finally could get away, he rushed to the forbidden pace to present her the most precious gift an ask her to be his mate forever. He’d decided well before this to rescue her from her prison and after the two had made good their escape from the mountain, he would make sure she would never be impregnated, to live a long and happy life with him in some secret location, in some remote corner of the world.

Fate unfortunately had intervened to destroy all his hopes and dreams. What greeted him instead, was a heart-wrenching tragedy. He found her long dead with a precious naked infant wrapped in a cloth, beside her. A brief note etched on a wall had recounted her most dire ordeal which she’d courageously faced. Worse, however, been the days of waiting and longing for him; though trusting him, her generous heart had forever absolved him from any blame. Finally, when his eyes beheld the words of her written declaration of lasting love for him, his heart ripped open, and he broke down and sobbed uncontrollably for quite some time.

Eventually a slight whimper from the infant boy, whom she had transferred her life force to after severing the umbilical cord, the poor entity which had waited in darkness and solitude for so many months, had just at that point in time drew his attention. He at once dried his tears, tenderly picked up his son and pressed him to his bosom. After a long spell, eventually reason took hold. As the ground was hard, he fetched many rocks and reverently covered the body of his beloved in order to provide her at least some solace in afterlife; he said his prayers and then made a solemn wow to take good care of their beloved offspring.  He’d made good his escape and   disappeared for many a year, living in secret and under disguise, as a woodsman, close to some remote village in Korion.

Elder Aegeus abilities being vast and mysterious, he had seen the truth in a vision. For reasons known only to him however, he’d kept some facts that Dwengzur had discovered only later, to himself. Dwengzur at the time had only been instructed to find Zandar and eliminate, him and his mortal wife and the male child they had.


In truth, for the sake of his son, Zandar’d befriended a widowed mortal female (a local farmer’s third daughter,) living alone with a son equal in age to Zonar. Through mutual arrangement he took her as his mate and settled down to work the fields like an ordinary farmer.  His new wife had been a kindly sort and good natured and from the start she’d treated toddler Zonar as one of her own. Zonar had been a happy child then, though briefly, as he then had a brother.

Again, these details Dwengzur had discovered, later and quite by accident:

 Zandar’s firstborn son Zonar was never told of his true heritage; he grew up believing the mortal human was his mother. Zandar Kuntzu during his years living among the mortal humans had undergone such a metamorphosis, in order to perfect his disguise, that he had remained successfully well concealed for over a Decade, until the day of reckoning when he had finally been hunted down by Dwengzur and along with his mortal wife and mortal boy and a girl child were properly disposed of.


Then again Zandar Kntzu had foreseen this outcome well in advance and had entrusted his toddler son Zonar to the care of another ordinary mortal family, along with a complete set of instructions that would be visible when his son reached teen years. Each male Immortal born, lived as a mortal being until the age of adulthood, hence he was unremarkable (indiscernible) in that period. After maturity, it was of course, a different story; the Immortal’s congenital (inherited), varied (wide-ranging) powers were fully restored to him and from then on, every time he used his innate powers, it left a subtle subatomic trace that could easily be picked up by those who knew how.

At the time Zandar had further ensured Zonar’s safety by purposefully remaining ignorant of the identities of the foster family and by choosing an ancient, infirm go-between who had died soon afterwards. Any hope of tracing Zonar hence, had become practically impossible.  Before leaving Zandar Kuntzu had also implanted a magical command in the toddler’s unconscious which prevented his son, from teen years to adulthood, from knowing of or using his powers while still hidden in Korion.  Unfortunately, as the father had known, it was this faint trace which had enabled Dwengzur to eventually to find Zandar and his mortal family.


At the time Dwengzur had been assigned to this task of tracking and disposing of this renegade Immortal Chando (Zandar Kuntzu), his immortal son, as well all his intimate human associations (like his mortal wife and his off springs), forced as he were the re-entry into the outside world, Dwengzur had been privately instructed, by the most ancient elder, Aegeus, on this taboo (most prohibited) skill, the means with which to track and kill another Immortal.




In Dwengzur’s absence, each time he utilized his powers, through a beacon of sorts, Aegeus and the governing body of the elders of Karn, had tracked his steady progress (feat, achievement) and earlier progress, and in the interim, got ensnared in the, admittedly, intriguing affairs of man.

Dwengzur’s latest exploits, the acutely unusual set of events however had been rather ambiguous and warily obscure, meriting (necessitating) at present, an explanation.

“This is unwarranted curiosity,” Dwengzur reticently grumbled. “They should have had, after all these centuries of abstinence, been immune to it and all!  The Elder Aegeus’s present request countered their most sacred of unspoken laws.  Perhaps after centuries of detachment, they’d craved variance; a dangerous precedence, to say the least.”

Dwengzur, as he surreptitiously searched the faces of governing body of Elders seated about, inwardly asked: “What degree of contamination would be acceptable, the inescapable resulting consequence, and in the end, what would be forfeit?”

Casting a wary glance into the recesses of the cavern, where the hibernating groups of the younger (middle-aged) clan members lay dormant, as if in hibernation but regenerating, Dwengzur nodded to signal his eventual acquiescence to their request and opened his mind once more for the siphoning of information.


 His eyes closed, his face perfectly composed, his thoughts perfectly lucid, moment later all seated about heard in their heads Dwengzur’s somber voice resounding with respect and care.

“It so happens I have a singularly intriguing mortal tale to impart, one with a particular charm all its own, as well as an incipient promise of good.  It is a chronicle of good versus evil, a narrative in which courage, loyalty, friendship, honor, sacrifice, romance, is pitted against, treachery greed, lust for power and abominations of every imaginable kind; but firstly, it is a tale of moral vengeance.  You, my brothers, who have long since purged yourself of these and other such frailties, you may assume the task of an impartial judge. And at the end of it, decide whether  one of the the main characters, Nevetsecnuac, of this tale had acted in a righteous cause, or was he merely a pawn in the game of fate, a straw dog, blown about by Heaven's breath.”

He rose to his feet and summoned a tendril of flame to his fingertip.  Walking over to the cavern wall, he incised a circle of fire as he invoked the familiar incantation:





The circle of flame instantly collapsed in upon itself at its center then exploded outwards, creating the window to the world.

With an expansive gesture of his hand, Dwengzur invited,



Just then eddies of burning mist had cleared away to reveal a barren coastline.



(Stay tuned for the next post. Chapter 1- Fisherman's prize. As each chapter being so very long, it shall be divided into segments, culminating in many, sequential posts, over time. )