Showing posts with label war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war. Show all posts

Friday, 3 January 2025



Pressed upon to drink more tea, Alec happily complied and with his earlier inhibitions gradually ebbing (diminishing, fading) he now rattled on: "However, this was not the case at the start, my Lord. The disastrous outcome of the insurgents' initial campaigns had nearly stemmed the tide of this now massive resistance.  The first set of uprisings was led by San Jarl, perhaps you know of him, sir?” Alec paused to receive the answer, but Asger barely remembered the name.

 "He was a close associate of my father.  He first led his followers to stage armed resistance in his hometown district of Noran, in the fifth year of Zakhertan Yozdek's reign. 


Unfortunately, their initial swift victory over the provincial government's forces had given them a false sense of competence; for they were in no way ready to next engage the crack troops dispatched from the capital under the command of General Ang.”

“Though the rebel forces carried an inexhaustible will and courage they nevertheless were disastrously out matched in skill and weaponry. In the subsequent struggle San was killed in action and his entire force brutally annihilated. When the news of another rebellious outbreak reached the capital, the returning   General was then directed to cross the Lug River to the west and wipe them out also.  This he also did with ease.”

"The few that escaped merged two years later with the forces of yet another uprising at the border province… A…, Yes, this rebellion took place in Arkon province… Hmm, just for a spell, I seemed to have lost my train of thought. Forgive me, my Lord; for I must be tired…My head is clouding.” So, saying, Alec sipped more tea, believing it would refresh him.

 It entirely escaped him that both Svein and Asger had circumspectly emptied part of their tea aside and purposely neglected to refill it.

“The region had first suffered flash floods then had a prolonged period of severe drought.  The parched land would not yield a single blade of wild grass, let alone a kernel of grain. 

The masses starved.  Able bodied men, too impoverished even to flee boiled tree bark for soup and dug up wild roots to keep themselves and their families alive.  Yet, the provincial government continued to ruthlessly oppress people and extracted heavy taxes and rent from them, instead of sending the sought-after relief.” Alec shook his head in utter dismay.

“Countless numbers were forced to sell their children into slavery in order to meet these demands.  Such pressures on the part of the local government naturally precipitated righteous indignation (fury) and the resulting insurrectionist army quickly grew to become a force of a quarter of a million men.  Once more the capital dispatched troops to give aid and to suppress these widespread revolts but this time they were under the leadership of another general, one less able and talented than Ang. Ang you see,” Alec sneered, “despite his impeccable record of countless victories, had become a target of jealousy and resentment and, as a result of a trumped up charge, by then had already lost his head.”

"The fortunate outcome of this turn of events gave the rebel forces the brief advantage of victory.  During their occupation of these vital areas, they raided the existing (provincial) government granaries and distributed the stored food freely to the needy masses, winning   them further support for their cause.”

“But then local government agents cleverly sowed seeds of dissension among the rebel leaders and caused them to break up.  With each fighting independently of the other they one by one succumbed to defeat.  All of them, save for a few and Nuer, perished.  In the final skirmish with the reinforced government forces, at one desperate stand, Nuer along with some sixty able bodied men successfully broke through the encirclement and fled to disappear in the marshes. This heroic group came to be known as “61 Defiant”, eventually sought refuge at Lord Shonne Gulbrand's secret mountain retreat in the adjacent province, whereupon they established a more serious underground resistance movement.”

“Unfortunately, the subsequent reprisals against the insurgents' families were most bitter.  Old folks, wives, sisters, children of all ages, all relatives that were left behind, once gathered up, they were then inhumanely, mercilessly all thrown into deep pits and buried alive.”

“Their heart-rending cries haunted the soldiers who had been ordered to carry out this gruesome deed, for days thereafter.  However, the officials were unmoved, and they passed a further decree (ruling, law) to burn and level the homes of all the suspected villagers and other such collaborators as a means of weakening the insurgents’ resolve or altogether deterring any such future uprisings.” Grinding his teeth, Alec continued, "Instead, this genocide, these atrocities only strengthened the determination of those who had gone into hiding and they vowed to avenge all who had been murdered and to fight harder still to the bitter end, till they were rid of this evil regime.  In less than a year's time, having amassed a strong militia, they rose up again and marched right across the border to stage yet another uprising.  Unfortunately, after Nuer was killed in an early skirmish, his followers were quickly trounced (routed).”

"The next rebellion, which arose in the Rue District, failed also because vital information concerning   the plan of attack was leaked to the central government by turncoats.  The result was the capture of the entire rebel force in an ambush.  All the 100,000 men lost their lives by decapitation in a two weeklong public execution.  Blood flowed like a river to dye the surrounding plain, and the sickening smell of death lingered on the air for weeks afterwards.  Their leader, Carr Elof, after being forced to witness all this, was taken to the capital in heavy chains.  There, after heavy torture and a mock trial, he was accorded the prescribed sentence of the law and, in the public market, was slowly put to death by ‘Thousand cuts.’"

Alec groaned, as flames of rage similarly seared both Asger's and Svein's hearts.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Alec resumed, "But he became a martyr to the public, because, right up to the point when his tongue was cut out, Carr Elof continued to loudly revile Zakhertan and his corrupt government."  This said, Alec relapsed into brooding.

 Svein could not resist heaving a sigh, and Asger simply shook his head.

"For a long time afterwards nothing much happened, then, just as Zakhertan was congratulating himself on having rooted out all the troublesome elements in the nation, another much larger, more fearsome and better organized insurrectionist army resurfaced under the leadership of Kade, Shon, Doje and Jary to challenge(contest) Zakhertan's authority and his government’s right to rule!"

 Alec's voice had just then boomed, fueled with the surging enthusiasm that had swelled his chest.  He apologetically smiled and bit the corner of his lip to check his zeal.

"This radical force had the strongest backing of Lord Gulbrand who had enlisted into its ranks the banished civil and military officials. With their implementation of sound military strategy and tactical maneuvering, the virtually unstoppable rebel army quickly seized large territories in Fukken, Lonar, Tarak and Buker provinces. “

“To suppress them Zakhertan Yozdek's Defense department had to marshal more than seven million cash for military hardware and expenses and then mobilize forces from five provinces to the tune of 650,000 troops. Moreover, the central government adopted stronger measures of crushing the sporadic resistance.  Suspected collaborator's houses were systematically demolished or burnt to the ground, in many instances slaying all the occupants in it. “

“Meanwhile, most able-bodied farmers were taken from their fields, displaced from their villages and forced into slave labor in remote border fortifications and castles. The women and children left behind to till and harvest, under strict scrutiny journeyed each morning   to their fields and returned only at night for scant respite.

 At the first sign of any trouble gongs and bells sounded to recall everyone into the walled village square after which the gates of the stockade surrounding the village would be securely bolted.  Any left outside was fired upon by archers or put to the sword.  With such measures the government hoped to sever the least link between the farmers and the insurgents.”

"In other areas they made good use of the provincially controlled militia, who were incorporated into the regular army from the Capital to fight the rebels.  Thus, they were able to, on short notice; mobilize a large force from adjoining   provinces for the effort...  These measures, in addition to the planting of spies, offering timely amnesties, tempting bribes of various kinds, as well as sowing dissension among the suspected leaders, inevitably brought about the sure downfall of any lethal uprisings.” 

“The last bastion of staunch resistance- after several months of continuous fighting, in the final confrontation what came to be known as the “Flakanut Hill”, only half of the freedom fighters were able to break through of the fiery encirclement to retreat to safety.  The remaining   bunch refusing to surrender had continued to fight to the bitter end until they were all consumed by the searing flames.  Their death was not in vain however, for they had forced also a vast number of the government’ forces to accompany them to their deaths.”

"Three- and one-half years later, in the seventeenth year of Zakhertan Yozdek's reign, two more uprisings erupted, one led by Doje and Jary, the other by Kundrick Dufo.  Falling into an ambush at Fenzu pass, Doje was killed in action and Jary was taken prisoner.  Jary was tortured for days, then barely alive, he was hung up at the north city gates for the carrion birds to feed on.  He died an agonizing death at their beaks and claws."  Alec's face contorted in bitter disgust and, as if still seeing the grotesque figure before his burning eyes, gave an involuntary shudder. 

“All was not lost however, the scant few who had escaped death, managed to catch up with Kundrick Dufo's army and they re-emerged in Buo province to take the government's mountain stronghold at Decan pass."

 Stark (Asger) was quite impressed with Alec’s apparent resilience.  The drug was designed to reduce his inhibitions, yet Alec had stuck to his narrative with amazing equanimity. At the outset, Stark (Asger) nodded his head regardless of the veracity of this remarkable blending of facts.  Conveniently also, all these supposed rebellious activities had taken place at the opposite end of Wenjenkun, so far removed from this segment of the Empire.

"Kundrick Dufo is courteous to his officers and good to his men, so his just reputation has earned him their undying loyalty.  Each, without a moment's hesitation, would lay their lives on the line for him.  A seasoned campaigner, he is utterly fearless in the face of the enemy and has always fought in the forefront of each battle.  When his army retreats, which is rare, he is the last one to cross over to safety.  Reportedly, each time the army encamped, and new wells were dug, he drank only after his men had had their fill, and ate what they ate, however unpalatable.  The spoils of war and rewards of conquest he has always divided equally among the men, enjoying no personal privilege. That is why to this day, my Lord, the insurgent, loyalist army under his great leadership has remained undefeated and has become the most formidable force to contend with.  They have, with increasing frequency, engaged the Yozdek government's forces, the latest two, at Zenro Pass and Koniko, being particularly successful, with heavy casualties being inflicted upon the enemy ranks."  Alec cleared his throat and smiled wryly, confessing, "This last bit of news, of course, was acquired through hearsay.  Still, I have no reason to doubt its validity."





Sunday, 29 December 2024




Positioned near the brazier, cozy warm and with his wounds well-tended, Brandt’s face by degrees returned to a normal color.  Though conscious now Brandt, opting to play it safe, kept his eyes shut for a while longer and shallowly inhaled the familiar smell wafting to his nostrils. He stealthily noted the fact that his upper (garb) garments had been changed; his wounds were properly bandaged, but that he was securely bound. Nevertheless, this still boded (insinuated) well since they took this much trouble and did not simply end his life.  Brandt surreptitiously parted his eyelids and with his now regained focus he observed Asger Marrog Zhon seated off to the side, seemingly absorbed in deep thought, puffing his long-stemmed pipe.

When their eyes met Asger nodded then said somewhat reassuringly, "I hope you will not take offense, but I'd like to hear the rest of what you have to say and allow any airs of suspicion between us to entirely dissipate before I release you from your bonds.  I trust the cords are not too tight to cause you any discomfort?"

Brandt   smiled peevishly and thanked Asger for his consideration, adding that no offense was taken.  "Under the reversed circumstances, my Lord, I would be predisposed to do the same. However, I am trifle thirsty."

Svein, upon hearing this congenial exchange between his uncle and Brandt   as he was headed out the door, ground his teeth and shook his head as if in disbelief.

 How different he is from the way he acted in the tavern that day, Svein mused.  But uncle is a discerning man; I’ll have to trust him on this, he knows what he is doing.

Back in the main cabin, Teuquob anticipating the need and having just then prepared a fresh pot of tea and some cups, simply handed the secured bundle to her husband before he had time to air out his request.  Her subsequent inquiries about the stranger were delicately brushed aside however, as Svein was most eager to return.

 Upon his re-entry to the stables, Svein overheard Brandt’s claim, "Sir, my surname is Therkan; my true given name is Alec. I was…"

 Alec, is it now? Probably more fabrication, for he is (craftier) slyer than a slithering snake. Svein scoffed inwardly, as he came forward with his bundle.  I really hope uncle knows what he’s dealing with.

"May I inquire if you are in any way related to Minister Taok Therkan?” Stark (Asger) interjected, signaling Svein to a seat.

"He is my late father, my Lord.” came Alec's earnest reply, as he threw a cursory glance at the bundle that had been put aside.

Stark (Asger) had been certainly well acquainted with that name and, even though he had not the good fortune of meeting the worthy minister in person, Taok’s fame nonetheless had spread far and wide, to all parts of the Empire.  Moreover, Stark had chanced on an excellent portrait of Taok Therkan (when he was in his twenties) between the pages of a certain manuscript, when once visiting his good friend Lord Shonee Gulbrand. Currently, with a narrowed pointed glare Stark (Asger) judiciously scrutinized the facial features of this supposed offspring of this lord.


Stark next looking away quietly reflected on how from the moment the good minister had gained office, Taok Therkan had fought uncompromisingly against corruption and his subsequent political thoughts summarized in several brilliant literary works had been widely circulated among the elite scholars of the land.  Presently, Stark (Asger) was grieved to learn of this minister's passing.  But it was to be expected, he further mused, all good men ran the risk of eventually coming to harm at that tyrant's hand.  Why should an ardent opponent, albeit kin (relative), be exempt?

With this new development weighing heavily on Stark’s (Asger's) reflections (ponderings), he slightly shifted his body.  The person before him was shrewd and quite ingeniously persuasive with his elaboration of particulars, certain specifics and the slight blending of decided facts. If only it were that simple, that he could without qualm be ascertained of Alec's claim to this identity.

In the end he decided to forestall judgment till after he’d heard all there was to hear.  Hopefully by then he could with discernment weed out the false contents from the genuine data. 

Alec Therkan in due course, with the help of Svein, had been given some hot tea to quench his thirst.

"As you probably know, sir,” Alec getting somewhat comfortable, once more resumed his narrative, "my late father had offended the corrupt Minister of War, Geir, when, placing his own life at risk, he sent a memorial to the Court exposing the corruption in various government offices including that of Geir himself.  Summoned to court for an audience, my father further defended his position and, against the well-meaning   advice of friends, strongly advocated positive reforms to curtail the power of (certain) several military bigwigs, civil officials and some influential gentry. “


“My father now deemed a serious bane, Geir used his powerful clique at Court to accuse father of a serious crime that would ensure his death, but His Royal Highness Zuronghan Alric Therran Valamir favored my father's integrity and suspected a foul play.  Therefore, despite the overwhelming testimony brought forth against father, and the lack of proof to substantiate His Majesty's intuition, my father was only demoted by one rank and banished to the remote frontier province of Wuchi."

Yes, Stark (Asger) concurred with a nod, this tallies with what I had heard of this respected Minister's deeds and misfortunes.

"In this remote province, my Lord, Taok Therkan served loyally for seven years, awaiting a reprieve which never came.  During these unsuspecting years my maternal Uncle Zakhertan  Yozdek, who was only a Field Marshall then, steadily grew in power through his alliance in marriage to Prime Minister Morvald's younger sister."

What's this? Svein fumed in silence, seated some ways back, He's related to that usurper, and he still expects us to trust him?  He glared at Alec with added misgivings.

Stark (Asger) construing (surmising) Svein’s thoughts, with a discreet glimpse apprised his nephew that he was aware of this fact already.

"You probably don’t know this sir,” Alec meanwhile had continued, “but my father had a serious falling out with my uncle shortly after his banishment, when at a private dinner with Zakhertan and his confident clique (faction), he’d refused to accede to their mutual censure (criticism) of His Royal Highness, Zuronghan Alric Therran Valamir's waning power, warranting hence, apt resolution, their synonym for rebellion ."

Though this piece of news had escaped Stark (Asger), he did not let on.  As it were, in the absence of any reliable intelligence he had only once cogitated on the predicament of this outspoken, loyal patriot.

"When my father with his inherent prescience (foresight) deduced from certain indicators the initial stages of diabolical plot to overthrow His Royal Highness Zuronghan Alric Therran Valamir,” Alec swallowed, “his subsequent attempts to block it or warn the Monarch, were all but rendered ineffective. His father Lu Therkan, you see, had surreptitiously intercepted each attempt.  Seeing no end to father's stubborn persistence, Grandfather Therkan then conceived of the drastic measure of incarcerating father in his own home for the duration.  Paternal Uncle Po was dispatched on this errand with explicit instructions to engage the assistance of the entire household in the successful confinement of Taok Therkan in his study and furthermore, have him excluded (barred, prohibited) from any outside contact until the danger had passed. “

“With his whole family turned against him, father beat his chest and lamented bitterly, via his writing brush, onto the innumerable pages.  Yet even these tomes bearing his grief were spirited away and burned.  The family acted under misconstrued notion that due to a temporary madness or some other such mental malady, he was rendered incapable of seeing sense or reason; therefore, the actions they took were for the noble purpose of protecting father from harming himself.”

"Now, while father was kept cloistered, the entire country as you well know underwent catastrophic changes, when Field Marshal Zakhertan  Yozdek with one bloody sweep, usurped the power of the throne.  Even though this news was kept from him, Taok's understanding of the facts led him to an accurate assessment of the situation.  His condition grew progressively worse with each passing day until one day, to the family's consternation, he stopped eating and taking any medication altogether.  The physician's summoned to his bedside, however competent, remained unable to cure him and Taok slowly began to (fade) waste away.  In anticipation of his approaching demise the immediate family under Uncle Po’s directive, began making preparations for the funeral.”

"Then one day, quite unexpectedly, my father received a visitor of such importance that the family dared not keep him away.  It was father's old friend, Lord Shonne Gulbrand.  His Lordship stayed at father's bedside for a very long time and, after his departure, to the utter delight of his family, my father now a transformed man, once more began taking in (consumed) nourishment and willingly ingested the prescribed medicine.  His subsequent recovery was swift and in no time at all he was back on his feet and writing again.”

“Father spent endless hours alone in his study inscribing (writing) most of the time; only now he painstakingly put down two versions of each and took particular care to conceal the copy concerning the truthful, pertinent depictions. Since he exhibited none of his previous adverse characteristics and even seemed to have quietly submitted to the idea of Zakhertan's rule, the restrictions on him were gradually withdrawn (lifted, rescinded) until they became non-existent.  The death of Grandfather Lu Therkan provided father with a further reason to abstain from official duties, travel or social functions and served well his self-imposed ostracism from the rest of the family.”

“After the period of mourning, on the second anniversary date of Zakhertan's inauguration as Emperor, father once more with a self-induced illness deliberately absented himself from court and the following festivities.  Subsequently, in an official letter, citing persistent ill health, father requested permission from then Monarch to be allowed to resign his assigned post and abjure any other posts thereafter.  In this way, by remaining in permanent retirement at Wuchi, father had sought to avoid serving the Yozdek regime.”

“During his conspicuous absence, his esteemed wife, Zakhertan Yozdek's second sister (by the same mother) Lady Kelda, striving to mend any ensuing harm, had persistently allotted bribes or pleaded with Zakhertan to overlook her husband's incompetence and inability to respond in his service.  Recalling to Zakhertan's memory the great services rendered by her brother-in-law and her late father-in-law, she implored Zakhertan to show tolerance and not interrupt her husband's line, since they were still by then without an offspring. I was conceived, you see, eight months later.”


“Fortuitously also for father, Zakhertan's main concerns at the time rested in his consolidation of power over all aspects of the government, the pacification of the land, and confronting the growing threat of the Alvacons in the north-eastern territories.  In the end, persuaded by his sister and the other relatives' entreaties, Zakhertan Yozdek perfunctorily dismissed the spiteful, deemed malicious whispered slanders from father’s professed enemies in Court, and granted father an early retirement with modest stipend, in Wuchi province. This would have been the end to my father's troubles, had he remained in obscurity as he had been ordered to, but far from it.  Covertly, he began assisting loyal patriots of the late monarch who had flocked to him in secret to gain his guidance and protection.  In addition, being the prolific writer that he was, he initiated an underground resistance by wielding his brush to produce literary works in a brilliant symbolic form, exposing the existing corruption, the hypocritical rule and the evil aspects of the present regime. Consequently, in a very short time his small initial following grew too significant enough numbers to give serious challenge to the bastions of authority in various provinces."

"Indeed, the minister was most worthy of praise.” Stark (Asger) interjected thoughtfully.  "Truly a remarkable individual, a true patriot, the way he rose above private gain and the personal concerns of his family to place his deposed Sovereign's and his nation's interests first in importance.  This tells of his great understanding of loyalty and filial piety."

“Not unlike yourself, my Lord.  Your son languishes in...”

“My son is dead!” Stark (Asger), deliberately ignoring Svein’s questioning   gaze, curtly interrupted Alec.  “I thank you not to digress.”  Stark’s (Asger’s) words were cordial but his tone more a command, it bode no argument.

“As you wish my Lord,” Alec readily, circumspectly acquiesced; prudently eyeing Svein in a side-glance.  Excellent; I finally have the confirmation I sought. Hah, I will make good use of this later, to effectively disarm either him or both. 

"But unfortunately, my Lord, while the resistance movement was still in its infancy, some of my father’s works, despite all the care taken, still fell into the wrong hands and they were brought to the attention of Lord Geir.  The despicable traitor, who had from the start ardently supported Zakhertan’s ambition to seize power, because of his invaluable service, now held the coveted position of ‘Senior Minister of Transmission of the Inner Chancery.”

Stark (Asger) threw a transitory side-glance at Svein and noting that Svein recollected well this part of his lessons (that “Office of Transmission: One of the boards of the Inner Chancery responsible for accepting memorials from the officials and petitioners.”), turned his attention back on Alec who’d continued on without interruption.

 “Only he had dared to go behind the Prime Minister's back to submit this incriminating evidence to the attention of Zakhertan Yozdek.”

"The end result was the immediate dispatch of the palace guards, to arrest and bring father in chains back to the capital to account for his treasonous crimes. Lord Geir had a longstanding personal grudge against father you see, and torture and debasing would be the least of father’s expected woes before the gruesome, ignoble public execution.  Fortunately receiving an advance warning from a sympathizer in Court, father was able to commit all the incriminating documents and papers to the flames and by sending word, also spared his covert affiliates from the similar predicament. Why hadn’t he simply fled, you may ask? In truth he was ailing and besides, his desire to revile Zakhertan Yozdek to his face was an irresistible draw, that made father forsook safety, knowing also that the solidly entrenched resistance movement would still thrive through me, his only son.  Entrusting me to his assistant and confidant, Kai, he gave instructions to take me under concealment to the residence of Lord Gulbrand.  His last words to me on the night of my departure were, 'Now you must grow up fast.  From this time onward you are to look to Lord Gulbrand as your only family.  Obey him explicitly, with all the rights that are due to a father and assist the Lord in his determination to set right all the wrongs of this country.'  With tears in his eyes, he then embraced me one last time and whispered into my ear, 'Mark my words well, son, and rid our ancestors of this shame.  It is now up to you with the actions you take to restore honor and credit to our family name.' "

Alec bit the corner of his lip to quell (refrain) the surge of emotions swelling his chest and looked away. After a momentary silence in which his vacant gaze was pinned to the flickering tongues of the fire, he forced a smile to his lips and, once more, resumed his story, "I gave my solemn promise to do my utmost and, without really understanding the meaning   of my words, since I was only five years in age, I vowed to return (reestablish) justice and peace to this land.  It was not until much later that I fully grasped the course of my appointed task: that of assisting Lord Shonne Gulbrand in raising an insurrectionist army to overthrow the Yozdek regime and reinstating the rightful Prince then at large, back into power.  'Only then,' as my late father had once asserted in a letter to Lord Shonne Gulbrand, 'could the dark, oppressive clouds which are shrouding the brilliance of the sun and are casting the earth into darkness and despair be lifted for the good of all.'"

"It is my understanding," Svein felt impelled to interrupt, "that Zakhertan Yozdek held absolute power of rule in the years following his usurpation of the throne and had successfully eliminated the least opposition to himself and to his regime.  How was it then Lord Shonne Gulbrand was able to raise an insurrection army?"  But before Alec could respond, Svein answered his own question, "Unless he too had kinship ties with Zakhertan Yozdek, benefiting hence from the usurper's only weakness."

"Precisely,” Stark (Asger) thoughtfully intervened.  “Harboring ambitions to usurp the throne, Zakhertan Yozdek prior did methodically seek to align him via marriages with the old established and powerful families, including that of Lord Shonne Gulbrand's.  Just two years preceding his perfidious deed, he had in fact arranged for his youngest sister to marry Lord Shonne Gulbrand.  It is regrettable that at the time no one foresaw or grasped the scope of Zakhertan's ambition."  This said Stark (Asger) lapsed into further brooding.

"But then, my Lord, when things came to such a pass," Alec interjected, "as the brother-in-law of Zakhertan Yozdek, Lord Shonne Gulbrand remained above suspicion.”

Did he, now! Stark sardonically pondering, turned his (skeptical,) questioning gaze back on Alec.  

 “Though perhaps not as much as Zakhertan's blood kin,” Alec relented. “It was however enough justification to give Lord Shonne Gulbrand the advantage over others who sought to lead the underground resistance campaign.  Zakhertan's rise to power was too swift for anyone to forestall (thwart), but he had underestimated the stanch loyalty of the people to the late Sovereign and the resulting resistance to the new order.”

"His Lordship Shonne Gulbrand, his bloodline besides being from the most illustrious line of old kings, was most fortunate still in another aspect.  Because he had won over the heart of his beautiful wife Lady Bergdis, so completely, he was able to carry out his plans without fear of being exposed by her.”


 “Since Zakhertan Yozdek doggedly relies on blood kin to stay informed of irregularities and true intent while upholding his innate distrust of anyone else, need I say more?"

Both Stark (Asger) and Svein concurred with a nod. As they exchanged a meaningful quick glance, a certain understanding had just then passed between them.  Stark (Asger) was very intrigued indeed with the scope (degree, amount) of information Alec had in his possession. Aside from the question of validity, what concerned Stark (Asger) most were the source and the means by which Alec had come by it all.

Stark hence inwardly pondered. With what other tactical advantages has this supposed Alec Therkan, been furnished?

Hmm, two can play this game. Stark (Asger) feigned that he had seemingly heard enough. 

Anticipating Alec’s nourishment needs by about now, Stark (Asger) whispered his instructions to Svein and sent him along to fetch a new pot of tea and some sustenance.

 Stark (Asger) then as if in an afterthought, going over, personally untied Alec's bonds and removed them.  As he did this, he, with sincerity in his voice, apologized for the inconvenience and the precautions.

When Svein returned, Alec was invited to partake of the food and though Alec craved wine, for he was spent with all that discourse, he quaffed (consumed) several cups of tea after chomping on the rather surprisingly delicious morsels. His immediate hunger satiated; his face flushed when he realized his impropriety. After brief muttering of recriminations against himself, "Please overlook my rude indiscretion.” shamefaced Alec humbly asked their pardon, "for I’m afraid, I have unwittingly adopted some coarse mannerisms of Duan's during our long term together.  I ask most humbly for your Lordship's indulgence and forgiveness."

"Apologies are quite unnecessary,” Stark (Asger) cordially (affably) responded.

  "In a remote dwelling such as this, sir, you are not required to stand at a ceremony.  Please be at your ease and treat us instead as just old acquaintances."

"You are too kind, my Lord,” Alec replied, rising to bow to Asger, "but I would not dare to be so presumptuous." Only after much persuasion did Alec finally accede to Stark’s (Asger's) wishes.

Afterward, Alec without reserve ate his fill, even though he’d detected a certain taste in some of the delectable edibles, mushroom of sorts that was associated with a mild sedative.  Inwardly he grinned, somewhat amused by this sustained (incessant) astute precaution on Asger’s part.

 As they consumed more cups of the strong brewed tea, Stark (Asger) asked to learn more of the country's current political and economic state, and then more specifically asked after Lord Shonne Gulbrand's alleged activities.  He listened to Alec's relayed news with rapt attention, hanging on to his every word.

Sitting up the rest of the night, Alec told how at one point in time, while the major portion of the country was cast into ceaseless turmoil and widespread discontent resulting from catastrophic natural events, the factional strife between the Yozdek relatives entrenched in powerful positions, surmounting the political disturbances and instability, had seriously weakened the seemingly sound central government to the very core.  With indignation he next elaborated on how while many countrymen suffered under the tyrannical rule of the oppressive regime- burdened with heavy taxation and ruthless exploitation or pressed into hard military service: the aristocratic gentry enjoyed many of life’s luxuries scheming or vying the whole time for even more power.

 “Consequently hitherto (until now), in various sectors there’s been violent eruptions or to put it plainly, sporadic pockets of rebellion, furthering the nation’s instability.” Alec took in a breather and leaned back.

"Rebellions, insurrectionist skirmishes," again Svein interposed to ask skeptically, "how is it that we have not heard or experienced any such feat in this region?"

"You are so very far removed from the capital, sir,” came Alec's impatient, sardonic response with his bemused smile, "or any civilization for that matter.  In this God and government forsaken sector of the Empire, in this barren region where there is so little economic gain to be had, where law and order is rarely enforced, with the populace left to fend for themselves like wild beasts and where only daily survival is paramount in importance, how then do you, sir, expect to be drawn into the rest of the country's concerns?”

"Of course, your perceptions are apt, sir, but was there any requisite for such a protracted, sarcastic diatribe (homily)?” Stark (Asger) timely intervened in an icy tone, thus curbing Svein's hot retort.

 You are shrewd, I give you that… You’d rather play ignorant and volunteer nothing; very well, no goading for now.

"I offer my most humble apologies to your Lordship and your nephew", Alec quickly backed off, "for my negligent, careless words and manner." 

Things on the outset duly pacified, Alec then went on to describe in detail how the rest of the country at present was being transformed by the gradual, sweeping tide of revolution.  "Lord Shonne Gulbrand, the only one in a position to do so, my Lord, has all along secretly lent his invaluable support to the various insurgent rebel forces and adapting gorilla welfare tactics, aided them in successfully engaging the government troops in countless serious confrontations, chiefly at the lucrative southwestern border regions.  In these newly secured territories, the insurgents’ combining   force with the (indigenous) foreigners has, time and again, been a bane and a serious contender, forcing the central government inevitably to further deplete its treasury."

If only that were true, Asger looked away, musing. 




Sunday, 27 October 2024




Silently, Teuquob sat in the place Stark had indicated to catch her breath. Before her, like a magnificent painting, stretched out as far as the eye could see, the vast expanse of undulating peaks, the tallest of which had their crowns haloed with white, floating clouds. Serpentine rivers etched their paths down into deep valleys, disappearing at times under the veil of mist that shrouded them in deep mystery.  Flocks of birds flying in their designated direction decorated the azure sky.

“How peaceful it is here.”  Teuquob, despite herself, heaved a deep sigh.

Stark gazed at her for a moment without replying, “Everything will be all right,” in the end he said, reassuringly.

But in an unexpected turn this brought renewed grief to Teuquob. Unable to contain her emotions, the furrows on her forehead deepened and she burst into tears. Alarmed, Stark moved at once to comfort her, offering his handkerchief. “Females cry so easily;” With a melancholy smile he said, “surely it can’t be as bad as all that?”

“I’m sorry.”  She dried her eyes. “Here, with you, I shouldn’t cry.”  She forced a faint smile to her lips then dropped her head and murmured, “I wish nothing more than to unburden myself to you; but how can I be sure after you hear the facts, you won’t hate me.”

“Whatever do you mean, my dear? Oh, child say what you will, I promise I will not hate you, not ever.”  Teuquob was touched by Stark’s soft gaze and empathetic words, giving her the courage to long at last voice what was oppressing (harrying) her heart.

“Oh, sir, I can no longer endure with such uncertainty and such falsehood.”  She had too much respect for Stark to allow this deception to continue any longer and she looked up, resolved now to confess, to tell him everything. “You have been kinder to me than my own kin. Fearful, though, as I am of losing your affection and respect, still I must dare profess that I am not what I earlier claimed to be. In truth, I am but an unworthy, disobedient daughter of His Highness Murong Di of Kontu. Only, born under an unlucky star, I have never basked in the warm, protective grace of His Majesty. Subjected to scorn, I was forced to endure habitual, contemptuous, and disdainful….”  Her voice had shaken with emotion before dropping off, as tears once more glistened in her eyes; for anew, she was torn by conflicting feelings (sentiments).

Repressing the urge to intervene, Stark sat motionless and gazed at Teuquob in thoughtful silence.

After a time, her composure regained, she then professed to Stark the summary of how she was raised (educated); but temporarily withheld (omitted) the circumstance of her birth, as it was too painful for her to recollect (call to mind). “On my fifteenth birthday, when His Majesty decreed that I’d be wed to Lord Hedenko...”

“Not the Overlord Deng Hedenko?” Stark interrupted Tequob in surprise.

“You know of him, sir?”

“I most certainly do.”  How could your father, how could His Majesty, in all good conscience condemn you to such an odious fate? Stark wanted to inquire, but restrained himself, instead giving her a brief explanation of how, when he visited Kontu in his teens, he had come to learn of the Overlord’s exploits from his esteemed teacher and host. The surname of which, when disclosed, resolved an earlier dilemma for Teuquob. Clearly fate had played a big part in bringing Stark and her to this present circumstance. With this notion, hope sprung anew in her heart.

“Perhaps, then, you do understand my plight,” she smiled, reassured, “for long since my heart has been ill at ease as to how I may best explain this to you. But sir, my own life is of little consequence to me, and this was not the reason for my flight. My action was (determined) born out of necessity, a daughter’s duty to her mother’s soul.”  Then, by degrees, Teuquob unfolded the entire truth: the story of her mother’s life, beginning with her mother Princess Lueling’s tragic tale, as it was told to her by her nanny Shutizan; next, she divulged  Hedenko’s notorious, more recent exploits, and the actual reason for her escape.

“You were quite correct in acquiescing with the wishes of your respected nurse.” Stark nodded in approval when Teuquob had reached that point of her story (narrative). “Shutizan is to be commended for her loyalty, farsightedness and clear thinking.”  Stark was also fatalistic in his philosophy of life and believed that much of everything was pre-ordained at one’s birth. Hence, he stressed further that all Teuquob had done was to follow her destiny.

His understanding words dispelled at once the gloomy, oppressive clouds that had so long stifled her soul, and instead, ushered in the fresh spring rain. Tears of gratitude now flowed ceaselessly from her eyes. Stark, his heart pained by compassion, embraced Teuquob as a father would a daughter, offering her solace. As she burrowed her face into his vest her tears rolled like pearls down the front of the garment.

 How difficult it is to console young girls, Stark reflected in exasperation. They are so frail, so emotional. I feel so inadequate at dealing with this. My wife was always better at this than I. His forehead creased, he shut his eyes tight, as the hapless girl’s grief reached the very depths of his soul. Despite his natural reserve, he found himself stroking her hair soothingly.

Darkness had begun to encroach on them as the sun followed its usual path to the western horizon. This provided Stark the opportunity of break and he said, as delicately as he could, “Please try to constrain yourself; besides, we really should be getting back before the sun sets.”

Teuquob, a sensible girl, responded immediately and pulled her head away. Drying her eyes she bashfully asked his forgiveness for her imposition on him in such an informal manner.

“Please, do not be concerned,” he smiled compassionately, “that was no imposition. We are all allowed our moments of frailty now and then. I am only glad that I could afford you some measure of solace.” With the outstretched hand, he then helped her to her feet and together they began their descent of the slope.

As they neared home, Stark suddenly halting, voiced his opinion, “It’s too late in the season now, but perhaps at the start of spring we could undertake the journey to Heaven’s Gate Spiritual Temple.”

This precipitated fresh tears of gratitude in her eyes. How kind, how sparing Stark was, to be considering such a move in anticipation of her wishes!

“What is this?  Still more tears? My dear child, please stop crying or you will make yourself ill.”

“It’s all my fault, I should have waited,” he ruefully muttered in self-reproach, turning his head away.

“Oh no,” she rushed to counter, “I’m most grateful to you, sir.”  Then, in a most unexpected move, she fell on her knees in front of him and proceeded to thank him most humbly for his kindness and consideration. She had long wished to ask him about the existence and location of just such a place but, feeling that he had done so much for her already, had refrained from doing so.

Overcoming his own surprise, Stark hastily raised her to her feet and stressed that he had long nurtured the idea of visiting “Heaven’s Gate Spiritual Temple” himself to offer prayers and burn incense to his late Sovereign and ancestors. 

“Your gratitude is unwarranted, my dear since I would have done this anyway for my own sake.  My objective, it seems, fell into accord with yours out of pure coincidence.” 

After a moment’s pause, he sadly added, “I, too, am guilty of neglect,” and his heart over again, flooded with grief.

 Of course, inwardly she had rightly guessed the true reason for his so-called procrastination; it had to do with protecting Svein. She could note that even now after having committed himself to helping her, inwardly he was torn with disquieting reticence, reluctant as he was to chance their security, by his leaving their well-guarded secret retreat and immersing (personally, physically) with the outside world.

Inwardly in fact, his reasoning was waging war with his sensibilities: Could it be that he had become unduly overly cautious. Surely, after all this time, almost nineteen years, there could be no real danger of spies or henchmen still in pursuit. Even he, the ardent nemesis, in absence of proof, would not be that persistent!

His mood lightened, his voice filled with the renewed vitality of youth, he firmly proclaimed, “Most definitely we will undertake this journey come spring!”  But the words were no sooner out of his mouth, when his face clouded over with concern, “I may have been rush in raising your hopes however, for you may not be up to such an arduous journey.”

“I beg to differ with you, sir. I am strong in physique and even stronger in will.  No journey, however odious, shall deter me from my aim.”

Despite his disagreement, Stark kindly refrained from airing his sound judgment and the projected difficulties they, not just her, needed to master. “All right, we will see what we can do to make the transition and the trek more plausible.  I’m sure that between the two of us we could afford you the necessary measure of security and means of comfort.  However, I feel I must warn you, well in advance, that the proposed journey will be most perilous and taxing an undertaking.”

“Yes sir, I stand warned.” She, suppressing her hopeful exuberance, responded in a mocked, serious tone. Then, with her heart bursting with joy, she quickened her pace to match Stark’s speed.

The vegetation skirting this meandering path was already being draped by the twilight mists. Meanwhile, back at the cabin, Svein was growing increasingly apprehensive over their late return.

Something unforeseen must have happened to offset Stark’s stance of punctuality!

Unable to concentrate hence, he had long since abandoned his studies and restlessly paced (to and from,) the length and breadth of the room, all the while deliberating whether to stay and wait, or simply risk provoking Stark’s scorn by going out in search of them. His rich imagination now an antagonist, most terrible sequential scenes, each more frightening than the next, began to (serially manifest,) unfold in his mind’s eye. In the semi-darkness of the room (with only the fireplace lit), heads bearing the razor-sharp fangs of known predators lunged at him out of the shadows, and then disappeared.

 Oh, I do hope they are all right.  He moaned irritably when the lone wolf’s howl from a distance pierced the still air of the room. He impatiently stamped his foot and turned to face the door. He was about to head out (the door) regardless of consequence, when to his great relief, he heard their approaching footsteps. Exhaling, he quickly rushed over to sit at his desk and pretended to be reading, feigning distraction, when they just then entered the room.

“Such diligence,” came Stark’s bemused remark. “My dear boy, you must have acquired extraordinary night vision, to be able to study so well in the dimly lit room.”

Teuquob hurried to light the lamp at the same time as Svein, sheepishly, also hastened to correct his error. Silently their hands collided, and both jerked it back, blushing.

That night, after Teuquob had retired and Svein had concluded his studies, when both men were relaxing by the fire before going to bed, Stark recounted the afternoon’s events to Svein.  In telling her story (but leaving out the fact she is of royal blood), Stark made specific reference to Lord Hedenko, the man to whom she had been betrothed.

“Since there is political significance in how Deng Hedenko rose to power, I will hence, take pains to extrapolate in detail everything I know of this Lord.”

“When I was residing as a guest at my teacher’s home in Kontu, I heard allusions being made daily to this notorious Lord, but it was not until my tutor filled me in on the details that I fully comprehended the extent of the fear his name generated.

As a young man in his teens, sixteen years old to be exact, Deng Hedenko already towered over seven feet in height. With his massive build, prominent nose, large predatory eyes, and bushy auburn hair of fiery red to match his temper, he already resembled more a demon than a mortal man. Yet, only once from afar I bore witness to his imposing bearing as he rode his black stallion at the fore of his equally impressive military entourage through the main gates on his way to seek audience with King Murong Di.”

Stark thoughtfully leaned back in his chair and took in a few more puffs from his pipe before continuing, “Overlord Deng Hedenko, as he was more appropriately referred to then, was born second in line to an immensely powerful and well-established family in the fifth year of Murong Di’s reign. Deng’s cruelty showed first when he was barely seven years of age. Even at that early age he was contending for power and aspired to his elder brother’s title. He dared his brother to a swimming match in the icy river. It was a very frigid day in mid-winter and the temperature had already dipped below freezing. When the elder boy succumbed to the cold and stood on the brink of death, Deng cruelly let him expire, and only then made a feeble pretense of affecting a rescue. Hedenko himself was known for boasting of this, which is why it had reached my teacher’s ears.

“With one obstacle eliminated, there remained a more difficult one for Deng to overcome. Fortunately for Hedenko, however, his father Lord Dazong Hedenko had wizened too late to his son’s insatiable thirst for power. With due consequence, the old Lord’s attempts to subdue Deng and bring him under the control of his authority resulted in failure. By withstanding the cruel measures and punishments inflicted on him under the guise of discipline, Deng was able to increase his will power and stamina by degrees until even the father had cause to fear his own son. Deng Hedenko’s popularity, cultivated with other members of the family and influential friends, and his growing skill in military strategy and martial combat was met by the father with due apprehension.

 Lord Dazong Hedenko

“Fearing his own early demise, the old Lord Dazong Hedenko now contemplated conferring the hereditary title to his third son, overstepping Deng’s right of succession. But, before this could be affected (achieved), the younger brother succumbed to a fatal accident. Worse, the father could find no proof to substantiate his suspicion of Deng. Feeling his life was now in mortal danger, the old Lord Dazong Hedenko named his own younger brother Teron Hedenko as heir apparent and conspired with him to attain (beget) Deng’s demise; but the old Lord’s favorite wife, (for polygamy was an accepted norm there), who had special affections (fondness) for Deng Hedenko, betrayed her husband and warned Deng of the impending danger.”

“Sprung from the trap, Deng fled to the capital, and to safety. His first act was to seek an audience with Prime Minister Kwonsu Non, who bore Lord Dazong Hedenko an old grudge. Via circumspect bribery, Deng managed to ingratiate himself with the Prime Minister. Then, through P. M’s patronage, he was favorably presented at court to His Majesty Murong Di.  Deng’s striking bearing and his outstanding ability quickly won him the favor of the court. Despite his youthful age of seventeen, he was appointed as the commander of an Imperial force of battalion and, promptly dispatched to settle the border skirmish at Sikumu.   With deadly precision, in no time at all he annihilated the overwhelming forces of the enemy, recovered the lost territory, and returned victorious to the capital.


 For this stroke of military genius, he was awarded the rank of General. In addition, he was presented with a fine, black steed from the Imperial stables and, as a special mark of favor from His Majesty, a luxurious court garment.

“In subsequent years, Deng Hedenko, gaining command of larger and larger armies, won countless unparalleled victories. He was strict with his officers and fighting men and, quite unbending in his insistence on rigorous discipline as well as, absolute adherence to military rules and regulations. However, he was also fair in his treatment of good men and most generous in his rewards to those that deserved his recognition. With his fair distribution of the wealth won during his conquests, he won the unquestioning loyalty of his men. His words became law throughout the whole army and overrode the instructions from the Minister of War and the Prime Minister. There was an unspoken, unwritten conviction (belief, opinion) that the army’s loyalty to Deng Hedenko even superseded an allegiance to Sovereign Murong Di.

“As General Deng Hedenko’s fame spread everywhere, his father’s earnest warnings to His Majesty about Deng’s ambitious and treasonous nature (fell on deaf ears) were never heard.

“Most faithful, stanch subject, Lord Dazong Hedenko’s subsequent entreaties, for the king to curtail Deng’s power before it was too late or, more aptly, put Deng to death, were also effectively intercepted by the Prime Minister and his powerful clique at court.”

“In the end the old Lord personally undertook the long and arduous journey to the Capital and put the matter before the king.  Through persistence, and the help of the few faithful friends he had remaining, Lord Dazong Hedenko eventually succeeded in gaining a private audience, and presented his admonitions with great zeal. But, far from being commended for his loyalty, he was rebuked by the Sovereign for harboring unwarranted suspicions and for promoting baseless slanders against his own son.  The old Lord left the capital a broken man.

“Growing in influence and power, Deng eventually reached the limits of insolence when he dared to openly insult the Crown Prince. But, since Deng was the most valued Field Marshal of the Imperial forces, and his talents most sorely needed at that time, the Monarch overlooked this sleight, as well as his other numerous crimes.

“Through Deng’s victories, King Murong Di had gained those territories he had always craved, and, in a noticeably short time, all the borders of Kontu were, for the first time ever, secured.  With the antagonistic kingdoms that had previously posed a serious threat to his realm all, without exception, vanquished and their strongholds burnt to the ground, Kontu’s Sovereign Murong Di’s absolute dominion (and lasting reign) was affirmed.

“In time however, with no more wars to wage, conflicting principles and varied internal politics, despite cloaked ambitions, nevertheless, ignited serious disagreements between liege and vassal. As the dissention between the two worsened (intensified), the king now began to distrust Deng’s increasing political power and to question his professed loyalty. Moreover, Murong Di, now regretful of his past oversight, perfunctorily dismissed the Prime Minister’s ordinarily compelling lexis and opinions and heeded instead Deng’s enemies and Lord Dazong Hedenko’s forewarnings.

“Understanding that, with the nation at peace, the Field Marshall was therefore expendable, Deng sought a way out of this decidedly perilous predicament (situation).

 As the saying goes, ‘When the game is caught, the good bow is put away.’”

 “Moving swiftly, before the likely rival faction mustered (mobilized) an offensive against him; Deng Hedenko resigned his commission and asked leave from His Majesty to return to his home state. 

“The Sovereign could not afford to appear openly ungrateful to this national hero, and so, Deng’s request was promptly granted. Secretly, Murong Di had hoped that the old Lord would do the deed (finish the job) for him and dispose of Deng once and for all.

“Lord Dazong Hedenko’s ardent foe, Prime Minister Kwonsu Non meanwhile, harboring his own sinister designs, keenly supported the monarch’s decision, whilst, adroitly silencing those who planned to enunciate a warning against letting such a rapacious fiend loose in the countryside.

 Prime Minister of Kontu -Kwonsu Non

True to form, just as Prime Minister had anticipated, shortly after Deng’s arrival at the estate of Quinan, the old Lord Dazong Hedenko was swiftly, ruthlessly killed (cut down) and the blame put onto unknown assassins. Subsequently, two culprits were captured and, under torture supervised by Deng himself, confessed to the crime. Both were promptly, brutally (horribly) executed immediately after the trial. The case, thus quickly settled, gave the Chief Justice (of the High Court) no opportunity to call an investigation.

The first part of reprisals (retaliation, revenge) now over, Deng moved against, his once beloved uncle, Teron Hedenko.

As it were, the very moment the news of Deng’s impending return to Quinan had reached his uncle, out of fear and, to allay Deng’s suspicions, (or ire,) Teron had officially (formally) relinquished his claim to the succession and furthermore, staged a falling-out with his elder brother Dazong Hedenko. Underestimating Deng’s vindictive and brutal nature, upon Deng’s arrival, Teron then, reminiscing about past joyful family events and his lone, doting treatment of Deng- proceeded to curry as much favor as possible with his nephew.

Despite the assassination of Lord Dazong, Deng’s sustained amicable, respectful conduct towards his uncle, seduced (lulled) Teron into a false sense of security and he, albeit erroneously, further lowered his shields (safeguards).”

“Teron was elated when after the required period of bereavement, Deng, concealing his contempt, courteously invited his uncle to a lavish reconciliation banquet.

“Deng wined and dined his uncle with a cold smile on his lips throughout the ceaseless servings of alcoholic-beverages, rare exotic fruits, steamed edible plants, huge portions of venison and scrumptious (delectable) variety of outlandish victuals.

Teron Hedenko

“The after-dinner nerve-racking, bellicose martial entertainment, however, was ensued by unexpected, dire revelations from Deng’s paid witnesses, who brought forth false proof and a trumped-up charge of treason against Teron Hedenko.  The Uncle had not even digested his food before he was brutally hauled in chains to a damp dungeon, tortured, then summarily executed for his crime.  Once more, the case was so clean-cut that the High court was rendered powerless to indict Deng; as the witnesses themselves, had disappeared with as much rapidity as the accused.

“Quinan, which encompasses a remote, mountainous region was the farthest state from Capital. Burdened with prevalent, severe weather and harsh topography, the hardened citizens, herders, woodsmen or hunters, had always been difficult to rule. On the plus side, the region landed itself to producing the finest warriors in the land.

After the consolidation of his power in Quinan, Deng engineered some border troubles on his land and, using this reason, proceeded to create a new, invincible army in his state.

“When this new development became known in the Capital, the king sent a secret envoy into Quinan to keep surveillance (watch) on Deng and return with his findings. Expecting such a move, Deng hid most of his force in the mountains and provided numerous false reports for the envoy. Favorably impressed, the envoy returned to court and cleared Deng of all charges.”

 “With time, Deng grew ever more savage in nature and many of his enemies equated him to the fierce carnivores that plagued his mountainous state.

This predatory Lord had remained fond of wars and bloodshed all his life.

“It was said that, when he could not conduct a war, he would butcher men just for the sheer pleasure of it. He, true to his innate nature, remained just as fanatical about regulations as when he had commanded the Imperial army.

He enforced his unvarying, harsh edicts, with equivalent rigidity, regardless of stature or age- on the military, close kin and, on the entire civilian population.”

“All this while, many of the ablest soldiers who had served under Deng had, intermittently defected from Imperial force and re-enlisted in Quinan. With such an impressive force under his command, Deng Hedenko next embarked on a campaign of bloodshed to make Quinan the biggest and strongest state within Kontu.

“The first set of wars was waged on the neighboring kingdoms, Kwan and Ezaks, extending Deng’s holdings further to the north and north-west. After his power in these border regions was consolidated, Deng then looked to the neighboring states in Kontu, which stood between him and the Capital.

His ruthless exploits by then were so well known that just by seeing his invincible army poised at the gate, was sufficient cause to frighten these lords to capitulate (surrender) or, to strive for an alliance with the Overlord.

 “In this way, by degrees, Deng Hedenko succeeded in usurping good portion of the country from right under the very nose of Murong Di. In fact, by the time he was thirty-one, Overlord Deng had directly controlled over one-third of the Kingdom of Kontu and had secretly annexed another quarter.

 “This dominance was attained, via effective manipulation of many of the influential ministers at the Imperial court who had the King’s ear; and, by maintaining rigidly enforced control over engorged state of Quinan; which was ruled by the harshest administrative governing body, under sole authority (command, rule) of Overlord Deng Hedenko.”


“While all these factors were adding up, Sovereign Murong Di’s attention was instead, directed to the more urgent threat (pressing matter) from Ircon, on the eastern border region, one of the first states formerly subdued by Hedenko, which at present had again risen in power to war against Kontu.

“Hedenko had earlier warned Murong Di of the strength of the conquered country and had counseled the annihilation of the entire Royal Family.  The king, however, had coveted the Third Princess of Ircon, and later made her his fifth wife, leaving the Royal Family in power and registering Ircon as an independent tributary state.

“Too late, His Majesty Murong Di regretted his ignoring Hedenko’s warning of just this possibility. He would have been surely lost had he not still had the backing of Imperial army and some powerful and staunch loyal ministers in Court.

Compounding this mistake with another one still later however, he, gave the danger from Ircon a far greater precedence over looming (imminent) one from Quinan, and refused to recall Hedenko to court to give account for his, by now well-documented, treasonous activities. This slight chance, sole window of opportunity closed, by the time the injudicious monarch wizened to be concerned over Deng’s invincible power, the internal strife, and corruption at court had permanently eroded his ability to effectively deal with Deng.

“No doubt, numerous assassins were covertly dispatched to Quinan, but their attempts were all rendered ineffectual in that tightly controlled military state.

“Deng Hedenko, for the three years prior to Teuquob’s escape, had permanently absented himself from court. His emissaries still assured the muddle-headed king of his loyalty to the throne and provided sound reasons for Deng’s accumulation of arsenals. Nevertheless, with Deng Hedenko a permanent thorn in his flesh, it appears Murong Di had finally resorted to his last recourse, that of allying himself with Overlord Hedenko. Informed covertly of licentious Hedenko’s not so secret desire to be wed to the most beautiful girl in the entire kingdom, The Sovereign had issued an edict, along with the invitation, to appease Lord Deng Hedenko.  Although, I suspect, this was but a ruse (ploy) to lure Hedenko to the capital and there to arrest him and execute him for treason.  Teuquob was the bait to lure this fierce Overlord into the snare.”

“Judging from Overlord Deng’s abilities, however, he would have accepted this proposal only to have sprung some sort of trap of his own, allowing him to usurp the throne.”

Stark finally concluded his narrative with this most plausible prediction. Much of what he had said about the situation (state of affairs) in Kontu reminded both about the current history of their own country, and both Stark and Svein lapsed into silence, their thoughts converging on one unspoken name: Zakhertan Yozdek.


Winter soon showed its bitter face, with unending storms and bone-chilling cold temperatures. Added to this was the danger from ferocious predators, those that did not hibernate, now contended for the scarce food still left on the mountain. So, all unnecessary activities, like Stark and Teuquob’s excursions into the woods, were postponed, while the daily martial exercises continued as before in the clearing.

On this night, like so many other frigid winter nights, nestled in the warm comfort of their living room, Svein poured over his books, while Teuquob engaged herself with needlework and Stark, seated in his chair, quietly read a favorite passage from a book.  Only the howl of the winds outside, in harmony with the roar of the wild beasts, intruded thoughtlessly on the silence of the room. When Stark distractedly looked up from his book Teuquob, misconstruing his pondering (considering carefully) as break in concentration, impetuously voiced her request, “May I trouble you, sir, with, perhaps, my unreasonable hope?”  Stark nodded his assent.

 “Sir, I would be most honored if you would consent to impart to me the (teachings) requisite mastery of the “Literate” calligraphy, so that I may be able to decipher the ancient scrolls and benefit from the antiquated poetry and prose that are in your keeping. Since it is my wish to remain in your honorable country indefinitely, may I, therefore, trouble you with this supplication?”

What purpose would it serve other than to confuse your mind? Stark reflected before finally giving his reticent response.

 “Since only certain times are allocated to education, are you certain you can spare the time from your present linguistic studies? The future would be a more apt time (perhaps) for such additional explorations.”

“I can achieve both. In this way also, curious as I am of the beautiful, exceptional works, I shall not repeatedly trouble you for the translations.” she pressed in her eagerness.

“Perhaps it can be done.” Stark teased “But first, we must ask Svein if he would not object to you sharing additional paper, ink and writing utensils.”

Svein, delighted at this opportunity of spending more time with her, raised his head from his books and meeting his uncle’s eyes, nodded to him in the affirmative.

Of course, you would, foolish boy. Stark looked away to ponder on the concern.

 For a time, he remained reticent, worried about the unnecessary distraction, but instead, reverting his gaze back on Svein, he voiced this query, “Are you sure that it would not be an imposition?”

Svein could hardly contain his bursting delight; so, you are not entirely opposed to it, and once more gave his ready consent.

From that time onwards, each night sharing the same lamplight, Teuquob sat opposite to Svein and, with due diligence, followed Stark’s instructions in reading and writing in the ancient dialects. These times spent in such proximity were not however without their measure of restraint and discomfort for Teuquob and Svein. Feeling the way, they did for each other; it took great deal of effort and willpower from each to direct and maintain their concentration on their studies. Ultimately, (at the right time) Teuquob was encouraged by Stark to only speak in the Wenjenkun’s language.  Her persistence in using the unfamiliar tongue, despite her inadequacies of speech and discernible frustrations (such as flushed cheeks) when she could not readily recall the words she wished to use endeared her still more to them.

Over time, despite their reserve and propriety of conduct, Svein and Teuquob were now growing more familiar with each other. Svein could not resist teasing her from time to time, making her more flustered or flushed with fury. This innocent interplay, when done in times other than the study period, was overlooked, and even silently condoned by Stark.

 In a noticeably brief time Teuquob marshaled enough of the old language that enabled her to read a line or two of their most treasured poems or prose.  Thirsting for more, she continued to pour over her studies with unending enthusiasm and delight.


(Epic story of “Legend of Nevetsecnuac” resumes in the next post, “The trip to the Monastery”-  Section 1)