Showing posts with label phantom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label phantom. Show all posts

Sunday 22 September 2024





 It so happened that, when a heavy downpour of a subsequent time constrained her to take shelter earlier than usual in an abandoned cave-and yes, strangely enough no sooner the need arose, one without fail always mysteriously availed itself- fortuitously or not, she’d spotted a cluster of wild mushrooms at the interior of the cave just past the entrance, and mistaking them for an edible variety, she’d used some of it as a garnishing to liven up her otherwise dull fare. 

Consequently, shortly after ingesting it she’d lost all consciousness, remaining so, in that most vulnerable state for an unsettlingly undetermined time. Afterwards she’d shuddered at the thought of it, for imperiled (rendered vulnerable) such, she could have fallen prey to perhaps a malignant force or forces. As it were, the moment her eyelids were shut, an enormous size snake- a python of sorts appearing on the scene- had quietly coiled her in a protective circle and remained so for the entire duration of her sleep.

 Meanwhile the steed had already been well teetered some ways off inside the mouth of the cavern; though greatly alarmed, he could not run away. When she’d finally regained her consciousness, sensing a presence of sorts, she’d turned on her side somewhat groggily, with her eyes slid ajar to behold just then the gargantuan, long tapering cylindrical form silently slithering away to instantaneously (summarily) vanish into thin air.

 In her petrified (terrified) state, her already rigid limbs growing colder still, as if anesthetized, became fastened to the very ground. Eventually with the warm blood once more coursing through her veins she’d regained the full use of her faculties.  Needing a breath of fresh air then, she’d steadied her nerves and willed her feet to the outside; but one catastrophe besetting another; she’d this time come face to face with the most ferocious mountain lion guarding the entrance.

Two fiery gleams from crimson pupils had (shot) projected forth to pierce her very soul; then, in a blinking of an eye it too had evaporated, leaving her to doubt the validity of this intense and frightful experience. Ghostly white, her hand resting on a pounding, palpitating heart, she’d after a spell, dismally thence had shaken her head and took in a calming breath.

Get a grip on your sense’s girl! It’s nothing more than a bogus, surreal imagery. Biting the corner of her upper lip, she then loudly reasserted: “There’s nothing before me. It’s only a cruel hoax of my imagination, an elaborate hallucination, or perhaps, the remnant of the nightmare!” For what other explanation could there be, still, it’d felt so real!  

Oh, but this is so disconcerting- in my solitude my mind has begun playing such tricks on me! Her forehead creasing, with a frown she again inwardly aggrieved. I’m increasingly becoming delusional; and how long will it be, before the impending insanity? This wildlife abstinence besieged by this abject, unearthly silence, living each day on the precipice, how much more can I, must I endure? Shall I ever reach my objective, or shall I be worsted (defeated) way before any true chance is gained? Thus far I’d stood firm in my belief of Heaven’s guidance and protection; but what if I’m, I’ve been wrong all along? Could I in fact, perhaps, cast under the spell of evil mountain spirits, am being led astray, driven into the very core of the destructive fires of the Underworld; or equally worse, be trapped permanently in the sinister web of abysmal loss?


Thankfully, subsequent days nothing untoward had happened, nothing at all worth mentioning. Through sheer willpower she’d regained her full sensibilities and once more focused her attention on achieving the task at hand (major objective).

The hardest ordeal to overcome however, had been the ever-present weird quiet and the unsettlingly persistent monotony that had by then expanded till it’d stilled the very wind and engulfed the all-encompassing air. Meanwhile, the ache of loneliness growing incessantly strong, had by degrees gripped her heart, her very soul in such an all-consuming vise that it had dangerously at times distorted full facts, consumed life’s least joy, diminishing any or scant hope. Her sanity teetering on the brink, of late she’d entertained a vehement hanker, that her constant, albeit phantom companion be somewhat manifest, regardless of whatever the form!

On this singular morning with the invariable concern still pestering her mind, before setting out on the next leg of the journey she’d voiced her pent-up desire, then laughed out loud at her own folly, her silliness for doing so.

After an incessant, grueling ride where they’d ascended the precariously hung narrow strip of the goat’s path that semi-circled a steep cliff and then negotiated a difficult, rocky terrain- by late afternoon of the subsequent day, she and the horse had finally got some reprieve when they’d reached a relatively sheltered, level, grassy patch.

Her face now gently caressed by the subdued winds, in her exhaustive state she was soon lulled into a consistent stupor (trance) by that ever-present monotonous, unnatural quiet; ergo she rode on with a hung head, her mind lost in a miasma of obscure imagery- leaving the more alert steed to at will pick the course. When the mount suddenly halted and neighing threaded his hoof nervously on the ground, Teuquob snapped out of her hypnotic reverie, sullenly raised her head and looked bleakly on ahead not expecting much of any variance.

What’s this, another phantom?

Remarkably however, what she’d perceived did not, as in the past, spontaneously dissipate or instantly vanish into thin air. This time around the illusory mental image persisted (lasted) and remained altogether solid.

Oh, but how can this be? Disbelieving her eyes she rubbed them, and then with a focused vision anew looked on. But no mistaking it… There, up ahead her eyes still beheld a rather pleasant looking, long haired, clean shaven young man who was not much older than she and what’s more, was clad in strangely familiar attire. His bearing was immaculately clean and well composed. Armed with a staff, he supported a bundle over one shoulder.

Unabashedly (brazenly) meeting her inquisitive eyes, he simply nodded as if in answer, yes, you are not envisioning me. I assure you, I’m flesh and bones! 


Then sporting a most charming smile he quickly advanced with bold strides towards her. His friendly demeanor had at once disarmed her, but not her nervous steed, which now fidgeted terribly and strove to run away. As she dismounting, tried to calm the beast, the young man meanwhile at closer proximity now, graciously, with an elaborate gesture of the hand and bow of the waist extended his verbal polite greetings to her.

So elated had she been at the fortuity (prospect) of meeting a sole companion, that the strange occurrence did not strike her as being odd till much later: That in this inhospitable, God-forsaken stretch she would chance on a being, a relatively disarmed one, on foot, so well preserved- with hardly a scratch on him, totally composed, spotlessly clad and propitiously, speaking to her in her own native dialect. Instead, quite ecstatic, she’d at once turned to squarely face him and to extend her likewise polite greetings. Just then, however, the reins that she’d held onto rather laxly got violently yanked from her hand. The spooked beast let out a frightful neigh and arching its back trampled the air up high with his fore hoofs (hoofed feet) before summarily bolting in lightning speed.

But her attempt at rushing after the steed had at once been vigorously curtailed by the amicable stranger who’d politely then proceeded to give his mitigated reasons, at the same time advising her on the futility of such a course.

“Let him be.” He insisted. “The path from here on being steeper, you’ll have no further use for the beast of burden. You’ll be doing him a favor. He stands a better chance of surviving on his own. Who knows, he may even find his way back home; however far that may be!” He cheekily sized her up then grimaced. “But come, come, you needn’t worry- you are in good hands now! Oh, and don’t worry about your stuff (belongings) either,” He rushed to reassure her. “I have here in these bags,” he pointed to the two bundles that he carried over one shoulder, “everything you’ll ever need and more. It’ll be my pleasure to share.” His apparent generosity of the heart coupled with his tranquil, melodious tone had an almost bewitching effect on her, at once erasing any suspicion or misgivings from her mind. Besides, she’d wanted and chose to believe in the stranger’s virtue and moral rectitude, overriding the otherwise instinctual warnings, deeming him to be probably untrustworthy and even dangerous- likened to a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

What’s more, in a short span even the residue reservations had melted away as true to his word, he’d proven quite competent in expeditiously tending to all her needs. The shared, the consumed dried rations amazingly enough, had promptly restored her to her prior good health and vigor; meanwhile, the special brew he’d insisted on her partaking a sip or two, had instantly with remarkable potency, cleared the cobwebs from her mind, erasing least doubt and fear. Moreover, as a lasting boon, her cognizance and thoughts from then on had become lucid, more translucent and focused. At least that’s what she’d deemed, rather, believed it to be true!

The strange ointment which he’d concocted from the combination of few indigenous plants and powdered ingredients that he had on him, had in due course brought about the most miraculous effect on all her cuts and bruises.

 The spare garment, cape and footwear which he’d so generously produced from his bundle -one of the supposed offerings destined for an “Earth Goddess” of a specific shrine he’d hoped to visit- now being bestowed on Teuquob, meanwhile, fit her perfectly and so comfortably that it was beyond belief. The exquisitely embroidered damask, unusually durable, light and breathable, kept her body’s temperature moderately cool during physical exertion in the daylight hours and perfectly warm and snug during inactivity and sleep despite the frigid temperatures of nighttime.  Meanwhile, every step she took from thereon was like walking on air or on clouds.

Necessities well disposed, as means of cementing the relationship and hoping same time to goad (prod) her into doing the same- he’d somewhat reluctantly and bashfully relayed his tragic personal history: Claiming to be of a young lad from an old established aristocratic family from Kontu that unfortunately due to unavoidable circumstances, while he was in his early teens, his family had fallen on hard times. Bent on upholding of what was just and honorable his illustrious father had sought retribution; unfortunately, with dire consequences. Ensuing years of retaliation and much bloodshed, he, the last of his line, finally seeing the light through the rigors of covert spiritual discipline, had long at last broken free from the ongoing vendetta and embarked on this religious quest. Hinting at an unimaginable atrocity, and some of it by his own hands, then a most grievous personal loss, details of which, being still too fresh, too painful for him to recount: he’d, after having ignited her curiosity and fueled her wild imagination, gracefully abstained from revealing any further.

She had no reason to doubt his story. Nor could she fathom the true motive, even if she did, for the weaving of such an elaborate account that would have ultimately ensnared the wisest, the absolute disbeliever in such a potent net. Meanwhile she’d relented about her earlier incertitude and so came to confess of her actual name being that of Teuquob, not Jiense. Despite her gratitude however, she’d remained (tight-lipped) hesitant to recount or to reveal the least bit of her personal history, deferring it to later time instead.

 He’d been both kind and understanding- masking not so well his apparent curiosity- by not pursuing the matter or prying into the reasons for her prior deceit. Afterwards, the two walking alongside, he’d readily volunteered his other admirable qualities, cloaked in false modesty of course. Overall as he appeared most sincere and kind, his amicable words soon won him her unbiased confidence. Of late she had even entertained the notion of forgoing the wait and unburdening herself entirely, without qualm, to this most sympathetic, compassionate individual. Observing him from the corner or her eye, rather discreetly she nodded to herself, yes, perhaps this evening, after the repose will be an appropriate time.

It turns out, he beat her to it.

They had not gone far that afternoon, when he’d abruptly halted and turning to face her, “Please don’t think me too intrusive, but your ladyship is on a similar quest as I, are you not?” he’d suddenly, to her astonishment, blurted out.

“That depends on the kindness of fate sir.” Her rash, ambivalent answer had at once escaped her lips; for amidst shock, she was inwardly pondering on what had given her away. Was it her demeanor, the manner of speech …What? Teuquob, granted a rare name, was merely her personal name, known only to immediate family members and a few intimate people.  He could surely not have made the connection. In Kontu she’d been sequestered most of her life in private quarters, there was little likelihood of him ever knowing anything about her- even if he’d happened to be, as he’d claimed, a prior aristocrat from her native land. Unless!?... Through the trusted grapevine, she’d heard of the existence of DFOCA (Deadly force of covert assassins) an elite network of spies and assassins recruited from all walks of life, in the secret employ of Hedenko. The special force, being party to all confidential information, had perpetuated and maintained a vast record on all key Kontu citizens, civilians, military and nobles alike. Nothing, however minute, escaped their detection or enumeration. The often-utilized knowledge, had spread fear and dread throughout the country, reaching far beyond the national borders!

But no! She quickly rejected that notion as well. No, he couldn’t be one of those butchers; there had to be another reason for his stark (blunt), startlingly keen perception.

From the corner of her eye, she studied him a while longer even though she’d desperately wanted to learn the extent of his knowledge, how much more did he know and was not telling?  But instead masking her resurgent unease, she presently smiled and quickly intoned. “But please do not refer to me in kind. I’d rather be addressed plainly, as Teuquob.”

“Though we are far from any civilization, I still wouldn’t be so presumptuous as to continue on with this impropriety- being guilty of blatant violation of protocol by addressing you by your personal name my Lady.” At once he’d vehemently objected; but as she insisted, relenting, he’d agreed to bend the rules of etiquette a little. “Oh, very well, as we are both cast perhaps by “Heaven’s” secret design into this wilderness, I suppose it won’t hurt to transcend some social barriers.” After a winning smile, with an elaborate bow- his hand in a semicircle sweeping the air- he’d gallantly consented. “In truth, I hate all that contrived ostentatious, pompous nonsense anyhow!” Looking away, he’d then mumbled to himself. “But I am rather offended and should really be cross with you for pegging me a DFOCA spy…Especially since I’ve said and done nothing to warrant that. Pray tell me, what further proof you need of my sincerity and of my good will?” He looked askance at her, then half turning chewed on the words, “Humans!”  

Before she could respond however, anew facing her in an altered mood, he’d with an amicable tone suddenly interjected: “Then again, it was providence that threw us together. An encouraging thought! Hmm, we must therefore, for the sake of harmony, strive to be more lenient, more tolerant of any shortcomings and not take any offence- whether it is in the form of misspoken words, acts or thoughts- to heart. Don’t you agree?” But his question seemingly did not warrant any response, as he without a pause continued. “The fault lies with me; in not completely winning your confidence, I humbly therefore offer my apologies! Absolute trust, basis of any friendship, after all, must be earned.”

Dumbfounded by this lecture, she’d just looked up at him, seeing him as if for the first time, but now in a different light. A truly complex individual, a bit paranoid perhaps and interchangeable as the wind, he was. Furthermore, underlying his seeming humility, she’d detected his feelings of annoyance, and a certain arrogance smothered in impatience.

This time he was truly irked by her. But mastering his outrage, he simply lowered his eyes and in thoughtful air stroked his chin. “Hmm. Unfortunately, yes, there is no other recourse my L… um, correction, Teuquob; you must ascent this terrible mountain that lies ahead if you so desire to reach the intended place of warship.” Looking up, he intoned earnestly, his face the very picture of a concerned sponsor. “But take heart for I can be of great service to you. I know what’s at stake and what’s to be expected; with all my abilities placed at your disposal, you needn’t be dismayed (or be afraid of failing). After all, and please don’t think me impertinent or presumptuous: For I say this with deep conviction: Yes, I must have been planted here by providence, as nothing is per chance; doubtlessly to see to it that you’ll fulfill your aim!”

A magnetic, winsome smile brushed his lips as he again startled her with the subsequent revelation. “Hmm; yes, you may also erase those worry lines, for Ensa is all right. She made it back O.K. The rough (thug) Yoansu meanwhile after an extensive search has deemed you to be dead…Perished in some deep chasm or at the maw of a voracious beast.  He’s long since called off his goons!”

“How did you…?” She sharply looked up, abruptly falling silent. Was he clairvoyant, able to foretell the future as well as decipher her thoughts (read her mind) and know her heart’s innermost desires?

Not quite. I told you the things you needed to hear. He wryly mused, narrowing his eyes. “Yes, you can say that; I’m somewhat a mystic.” He devilishly chuckled, meanwhile, outwardly answering her subsequent, silent query.

Observing her further unease, with a glib tongue he rushed to quickly add. “But I do hope you are not offended or least bit frightened by it? I do humbly apologize for my transgressions. This ability, newly gained boon or a curse has been the result of my long years of extensive spiritual training that had also encompassed rigors of meditation.  Yet if it makes you least bit uncomfortable, I’m more than willing to curtail, that is to refrain, as a sort of courtesy - as I’d done so already since our first meeting till now- from using this skill.  If you so desire, I’ll certainly abide by your wishes, to ensure you of your absolute right to privacy?”

She was thinking, you are true gentlemen, sir! When she, speechless, nodded her head.  

“It shall be as you desire!” he smiled amicably (delightedly). She was oh so naïve!

“I do apologize for getting on ahead of myself.” Lowering his gaze for a spell, he ejected sincerely. “After all, as fellow travelers on a serious quest, we must first learn to be at ease with each other; and only after a sufficient time perhaps become serious confidents, if not soul mates! And please do forgive my reiteration: the foremost basis, the core of any lasting relationship is trust, is it not? Taking due liberty,” he swallowed, shunning her eyes and looking every bit vulnerable.

“I now have a declaration, a sort of ignominious confession of my own to make: Despite the years of pedagogy and all my spiritual discipline, of late solitude was beginning to wear on my nerves. I craved the companionship of a single human being. Therefore, I’ve erred, begging your pardon now for all my unsolicited exuberance and for my however unintended, taken liberties (audacity) since our chanced meeting in this forlorn, desolate corner of the world.” He rejoiced when he again elicited the favorable response.
