Showing posts with label cavern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cavern. Show all posts

Monday 7 October 2024




A small game was roasting over the fire when she suddenly came to.

Having regained consciousness and suddenly recollecting the panther, she bolted to a seating position with a start. Her terrified, baffled gaze however, was met with a mitigating, polite smile from a decisively handsome young man who proceeded to speak to her in a soothing, foreign tongue that she did not, could not truly comprehend. His dialect, the enunciations was even varied from that of Kaimu, his wife Ensa, neighbor Zianko or the son Yoansu’s. One thing was clear however the danger/the otherwise certain death from the beast was gone, and the intensions of her presumed rescuer, as far as she could tell with some measure of certainty, were both honorable and good. He conducted himself with proper decorum and seemed to be both knowledgeable and one of fine breeding. Anticipating her thirst, he had quickly provided her with water from a wooden cup, which she partook appreciatively.

 Hoping that he might be acquainted with her native language, presently she voiced her appreciation for the rescue and for his taking such diligent care of her. Then at a loss what else to say and just then noting his quiver full of arrows laid at the side, quickly asked how he happened to be on this God-forsaken Mountain: was he sporting a hunt?

But her articulated responses were sadly, quite mystifying (baffling) to the young man. In the end, the frustrating exertion made more difficult by the mutual attraction, all they had managed were the polite but succinct introductions: her choosing to announce Jiense as her name to this amicable stranger, and he in turn had mentioned the name Svein. The ensued awkward moment of silence nevertheless was cut short, when Svein noting that the meat was about ready, forwent the wearisome communication and going over, and using his long knife skillfully, sliced off some choice pieces from the main body of the skewered meat, placed them onto wooden slat that served as a plate and brought it over to her for her consumption.

“It’s probably not what you are used to, but please partake some.”   He insisted; suspecting they would have a better luck at the verbal exchange on fuller stomachs.

As Jiense was already famished she accepted it gratefully and without ceremony, soon after chewing, swallowing the delicious, succulent meat, not pausing even to ask, or bothering to guess at what manner of specious she was ingesting.

In the aftermath, warmed by the raging fire, and well fed, using a sign language, she had again thanked him profusely for rescuing her from the maw of the panther- this time more at ease, she utilized her innate skills and therefore more effectively transmitted her intent. Then fell silent wondering what had happened to the beast, worst still, what other prevalent dangers lay ahead?

Deciphering her concerns, by means of sign language and hand gestures he hastened to convey to her that he was both a competent and a willing protector and would most certainly deliver her to safety. His reassuring smile was reciprocated, by a grateful one from her. Then all at once both gone bashful, they had averted (lowered) their eyes. That night she had slept blissfully sound, content to be under his care- for even though she had known him for scant period (such a short while), listening to her intuitive heart, she had placed her implicit trust in him and thereon felt more hopeful for the future.

The subsequent day’s journey, hard as it was, it could be said that it was delightfully exhilarating and even adventurous. When she became tired, he offered, insisted on carrying her and that he did, with certain ease, covering great distances despite the steep ascent- all the while effectively shielding or periodically fending off the all-pervasive treats from predatory animals with astounding regularity in speed and skill in archery. Furthermore, at sundown, when they halted, in contrast to her, he showed no fatigue.

If she marveled at his resilient stamina, his competence, his handsome features or many other fantastically intrinsic (inherent) attributes, she kept them to herself noting (observing) his strange but true, humble nature and bashfulness.

Meanwhile, as he had been encumbered because of her needs of shelter and sustenance and his other charge, of hunting for game along the way- it had taken them additional five- or six-day’s arduous journey, instead of two, to reach their goal.

Their subsequent path took them right through a precarious topography of high ridges, then a dense forest, each leg of the journey being more arduous than the rest. Then at one point, Svein carefully pushed aside the thick foliage that successfully hid an entrance to a deep cavern.

Before they proceeded to inside Svein halting and then withdrawing from his pouch two sun-dried shoots (buds), handed these to Jiense and signaled for to chew to extract their juice. The juice she can swallow, but the pulp, she was made-to-understand, she should spit it out. She did, as she was, told. The taste, a bit unpleasant, was both bittersweet and sour at the same time. Then, as she chewed, a strange sort of sensation came over her. Her head became dazed; she felt a total lack of inhibition, no fear, as though she was now invincible. Svein, seeing the transformation in her, smiled and politely ushered Jiense (Teuquob) into the cavern. Further in, to (manage) cope with the pitch darkness, Teuquob hung on tightly to the young man’s sleeve as latter led the way, navigating the turns and twists of the rocky, unstable, and dangerous terrain with sure footing. Periodically, there would be certain hair-raising echoes borne out of the deep that (despite the effectiveness of the drug) still put her soul in fright; though invisible to her, she still perceived the existence of chasms, noted the divergent sounds of water, some gushing streams, or trickling brooks far in distance or quite near. Then came the fluttering of wings, bats, and many other such phantom sounds along the way, which unleashed her wildest imagination and sent icy chills up her spine, all the while gripping her heart in an inexplicable fear. At such times, sensing her trepidation, he would abruptly stop and seek out her hand, then gently squeeze it with encouragement.

Since entering the cavern, he had not uttered a single word and when once she coughed supposedly to clear her throat from the perceived dust, rather, to get his attention, he’d quickly hushed her by placing his hand over her mouth, as if peril would arise from such action. Thinking that he needed his hearing to guide his advance- better that, than thinking there were carnivorous, nocturnal winged vertebrates or other such scary beast in readiness to pounce on them- she had remained silent from there on.

They had advanced blindly for what it seemed to Jiense (Teuquob) an eternity, with her imagination playing havoc all the while on the summation of all her fears. Halting briefly once or twice they had eaten dry rations which he had on him, and then continued in this dangerous realm. She was relieved when long at last they reached the end of this elongated subterranean tunnel, safest one amongst the perilous two, that (presumably) cut across underneath the majestic mountain peak, and finally exited the cavern. Thought it was typically the late afternoon of an overcast day, it still took a while for her eyes to adjust to the light that greeted them.

After a brief respite, they resumed their journey that led them to the crossing of a stream then another perilous ridge. Then they trudged upwards yet another steep climb, Teuquob in tow of the young man following an invisible goat’s path and whenever the path widened, she would opt to walking alongside him, all the while trying her best keep up. The perpetual increase in topographic elevation however, eventually caused Teuquob to more frequently labor for breath and to succumb to the inescapable fatigue that plagued her every fiber of her being. This impediment forced her resilient companion hence, to periodically make unscheduled stops or simply carry her- an added encumbrance on top of by then accumulated ponderous load- the bounty of game.

On the morning of the sixth day, they had another, endless, laborious ascent. Having traversed yet another ridge, they dove into denser part of the limitless forest and after cutting across a heavy curtain of thick foliage they quite suddenly emerged into a clearing.

Disbelieving her eyes, Teuquob rubbed them and looked on. The unbelievable scene that greeted Teuquob, which she now took in with a breathtaking zeal, encompassed a phantasmal picture that defied all-norm- a safe habitat existing in such remote wilderness?

True enough, there up ahead in that well-tended open space stood an encased structure that contained within its vicinity: a sturdily built wooden cabin with a thin coiling smoke emanating from the tall chimney at its rooftop; off to one side was a modest stable; then a structure of a storehouse could be seen, and yonder still, a smaller hut that clearly served as an outhouse.  A small patch of encircled ground adjacent to the hut was reserved for a thriving vegetable or an herbal garden.

At the dominating structure that boasted of a covered platform/ a small porch by the entrance, there could be seen a seated elderly gentleman with a well-groomed shoulder-length mahogany brown hair. He had a streak of white hair off his temples that gave him a dignified air; he sported a very becoming thin mustache and a neatly trimmed short beard that further complimented the handsome features of his face. His judicious, prudent manner and noble bearing commanded from any onlooker most profound awe and respect; furthermore, to Jiense’s (Teuquob’s) eyes, with his fine, stalwart physique, he resembled more a general, a commander in chief pondering on or contemplating some strategic warfare, than a mere recluse. Dressed in exquisite damask attire (garb), he appeared to be enjoying a pensive smoke from a long carved ivory pipe, which he held in his left hand.

The very moment that Svein and his companion had come into view, the esteemed man’s eyes discreetly meeting Svein’s, it could be said that a glimmer of both delight and concern had registered in those stern pupils, but still he had not stirred from his seat.

The youth presently gave an encouraging look to Jiense (Teuquob) as if to say please advance with me, then quickened his pace to reach the steps of the small porch. As they made their advance, upon closer scrutiny she noted that the end of the long sleeve, of his immobile right arm, going through the overgarment’s side slit, was neatly tucked in under a silk belt at the waist.

Svein having quickly unburdened himself of the loads, he now squarely faced his elder, gave a respectful half-bow, and said in a fond, reverent tone, “Greetings, Uncle, I hope you have been well in my absence.”

The elderly gentlemen’s lips dawned a shadow of wry grin- a slight curving of the ends; he thoughtfully took another puff from his pipe then rose from his seat and facing the youth, in a clear intonation reciprocated latter’s affection with a nod of his head, “Greetings, Nephew. Thank you for your regard. The length of your absence had given me a pause for concern, till that is; my ears tracked (detected) you and your willing accompaniment’s slow advance.”     The manner of his voice tad stern and reproachful, his eyes had surreptitiously now trailed onto her.

“Forgive me, uncle”, the youth hastened to explain, “for my negligence in failing to show proper respect.” In reference to the girl beside him, he then quickly added. “I would have made the proper introductions right away; however, as I’m encumbered by the inability of properly communicating with her in her strange dialect, I’d hesitated.”

“I see,” the uncle looked away. “Though I am sure you had a particularly good reason for bringing her along. Later perhaps you may elaborate on the details of how you came by her?”  With a thoughtful air he then placed his long pipe on the small table and descended the few steps. Coming forward to proximity, he succinctly, but astutely studied the extraordinary girl draped in fineries that were inappropriate for surviving in the woods. Yet his polite, brief perusal, (observation) had revealed, that other than few cuts and minor bruises on her face and hands, there were no other wear and tear on either the fabric that looked to be damask silk or her footwear. The total absence of normal dirt or the least amount of dust on her garments further intrigued him.


Discerning his uncle’s thoughts, the young man nodded. “I have been baffled by that too uncle; clearly her attire bespeaks of supernatural element. Yet she is, and all during, behaved every bit a mortal being.”

“Does this mortal-being have a name?” The uncle then asked in a voice devoid of any emotion.

“Begging your pardon uncle, but as far as I can tell, she is called Jiense. Yet her spoken dialect had born little, if any semblance to the mainstream or any other Indigenous groups in Wenjenkun. At the beginning of our meeting, we have strived, but in vain, at any sort of linguistic communication…” The uncle’s raised hand had at once silenced the youth (cut short the babbling/inconsequential chatter).

” Hmm…And there is quite a variety of indigenous groups within and bordering states of Wenjenkun; hence, this mystery may not be resolved in the briefest time”. The uncle looking away had mused.

 “I presume you’ve hence communicated by way of sign language?”

The youth nodded in the affirmative.

Hearing her adopted name meanwhile, Jiense (Teuquob) had smiled and raising her head and meeting the old man’s keen eyes now, nodded to him in greeting timidly, then respectfully pronounced her name, Jiense. She had gone along with that name, as she felt in this strange continent it would not bestir suspicion that her true name would.

He reciprocated in kind, by announcing his name to her in a congenial, clear mode. “I am pleased to make your acquaintance Jiense with no last name. As we are extant (living, existent) in this wilderness, I shall dispense with my proper last name Therran and in kind, you may refer to me as simply, Stark.” He had pointed to his chest and enunciated the name again: “Stark.”

Understanding, she had uttered his name with due reverence and bowed again in proper greeting.

He in turn nodded then smiled, acknowledging her polite attempt.

“She is clearly one of fine breeding, which makes it more a conundrum.”

“She will be allowed to stay with us for a while, won’t she Uncle, if not indefinitely?” Svein in his impatience could not stay his tongue.

“You are getting on ahead of yourself as usual,” Stark frowned. “We shall see, meanwhile it would be prudent of us to proceed with caution while taking the necessary progression,” then as if still pondering on the unusual circumstance, he added quietly to himself, “yes best to proceed one step at a time...A seemingly delicate, solitary being of high caliber surviving in the wilderness, hmm!”

 “Deducing from your omitted facts, I assume that you’d not encountered any other being, a guardian, a guide, serving companions or such, dead or alive, within that vicinity!” He paused again to thoughtfully stroke his beard. “Nevertheless, it’s quite rude of us to speak of her, however improbable the ready communication, as though she is not here.” Snapping out of it, he gave a polite nod and simply smiled at her then turned to address Svein. “For the time being at least, please take her to your prior room and allow her to wash up and attain some rest.” 

Noting the emphasis on the word “prior,” Svein smiled and readily acquiesced; for it was only proper that from hence he would be sharing his uncle’s room.      

Turning to squarely face Jiense, Svein signaled for her to follow him; the two then took their leave of the uncle and with Jiense in tow, quickly climbed the steps, disappearing inside the cabin. Opening the far door to the right, Svein ushered the young lady in to a small room that contained sparse, nevertheless elegantly crafted fine-wood furnishings, strategically placed few art objects of rare, intrinsic beauty and ornate, clearly unused bedpan with a lid jutting underneath the only night table.

Her glance (perusing) trailing onto the bed with exquisitely embroidered, immaculately clean silk comforter, had inadvertently lingered. This is a quaint, eccentric luxury to find in a rustic cabin in the woods. She mused. They were not what they seemed.

A polite caught (a clearing of a throat) just then from her companion drew her attention to Svein.

The young man smiling bashfully with a hand gesture indicated to her instead the porcelain wash basin and jar filled with water that was on an antique chest, hanging nearby was the pristine white towel.

Without the use of language, he as much told her to make herself comfortable, but first she may wish to refresh herself by washing her hands and face. This room will be hers from here on; to rest a while and if anything was not to her liking, she was at liberty to amend or discard it.

Svein subsequently going over to the far side, he hastily fetched the small exquisitely carved mahogany and leather hand baggage that had contained his personal spare belongings and private garments. Opening it, he picked up the few others that were neatly folded in a drawer of a dresser to add to it (bureau), collected few hanging by the makeshift cupboard and, after politely nodding his head, quickly withdrew from the room, allowing her the privacy to adjust to her new surroundings.

Svein returned shortly after however, with a tray of tidbits, in case she required nourishment. Supper, owing to the work ahead, could be long time in coming.

Jiense (Teuquob) smiled at Svein fondly- inwardly she was frustrated by her inability to communicate the extent of her gratitude and yet same time, remained absolutely touched by the gentle concern he showed for her welfare.


Svein had no trouble settling in his uncle’s room; once everything was neatly placed, he went outside and begun helping his uncle, who’d already, had a change of clothing, to safely preserve and store the abundant game (the meat) in the smoke house for their future use. They in silence worked quickly and methodically, first by skinning, then gutting and collecting in a special clay pot the entire contents of the innards of each game.

After a brief “Ceremony of Fire,” where invocations/certain prayers were said and the contents turned to ashes were buried deep in the ground, they then carefully washed the reminder carcasses, salted each and hung them over a smoldering fire, smoke, in the shed to dry. Ceremony of Fire was an integral part of the preparation, for their deep rooted ideology (creed, dogma) held the tenet (principle) that an animal’s existence came from the viscera (guts) and in this way, the hunted animal that had given his life for their survival, would be reborn again soon after. Thereof the life-force in the mountain would not be interrupted and the souls of the animals would always be returned to its steward, Rognar, the Mountain God. Rognar appeased, he would hence not hinder the future hunts or visit the hunter with some calamity.

Mountain God Rognar

At the conclusion of the requisite work, both Svein and Stark returned to the cabin, fetched fresh set of clothing, and walking alongside again in silence, for Stark did not encourage (even detested) idle chatter, quickly trailed a well-traveled goat’s path to wash up at the cascading icy stream. This mode of cleansing/hygiene had always been quite adequate for the two, but with the furtherance of each step, both  had privately on the side now pondered on the concerns and certain  impending future requirements or requisite adjustments her mere presence would entail- regrettably impinging on many of their otherwise well regimented routines.

Svein was not least bit perturbed by this; he welcomed the portended changes. Same could not be said about Stark however, even though he had thus far kept his views to himself, in truth he had been disquieted by this untoward added burden of a guest that could further complicate matters that were already precarious enough. By rights, his own life should have been long ago forfeited, having already joined with his honorable ancestors in the nether region. The sole purpose, chief reason for the opprobrious prolongation of his existence had been to honor an oath and to fulfill a pledge: to  shield and to prepare Svein for that impending future event, by undertaking the daunting task of overseeing (supervising) Svein’s welfare and education in both fields- literary, political and military. Her presence could be a serious impingement to this objective or (perhaps) a boon to that of which was yet to be determined. Regardless, seeing the definite hand of fate in this, he would albeit reluctantly, accepted this added, surplus encumbrance or, a challenge.

That afternoon, as Svein was left to overseeing to some other pressing matters, Stark, first topped the iron kettle with added fresh water, and placed it on the burner alongside the pot containing meat and vegetables, for it to boil. They would have the ceremonial tea after the gratification of sustenance.

Deeming the time appropriate, Stark fetched the small medicine box, and going over, he gently tapped on her door before entering.




Thursday 3 October 2024




The scene of devastation next morning outside of the cave that greeted their eyes, when they’d emerged from the cavern, took Teuquob’s breath away. Mokak inwardly laughed at her naiveté and anticipated surprise; outwardly however, he played along, expressing similar shock and even dismay.

The protective spell being overused of late had started having lapses in its effectiveness. On one such instance, they’d happened on a pack of wolves encircling, devouring chunks of the fresh carcass, a recent kill.

For Mokak, it was an exhilarating sight to behold: the giant canine teeth dripping with blood savagely tearing at the flesh, some of the wolves ripping off huge chunks of the raw meat from the unfortunate prey while others gorging on the bones with such gusto and fervor!  How thrilling! 

However, during this sporadic lapse, just then being detectable (visible), the Alpha Wolf had suddenly stopped, though only for a spell, looked straight at them with intense glaring eyes, showed his blood dripping fangs and (snarled) growled his dire warning to keep away or else (lest) they would be next on the menu.

“You can’t have her, she’s mine!”  Teuquob was stunned (shocked) at hearing Mokak’s barely audible words grumbled between the gnashing of his teeth, and growling .

But when she looked up, her questioning gaze was met with his wry, disarming smile, leading her to believe in the end that she’d imagined hearing it.

Of course, Mokak could have easily met the challenge of the Alpha Wolf and his entire pack, it might have even been a sport of fun, but not wishing to show his hand too prematurely, he’d responded the only way a typical human would and, albeit reluctantly, forwent the fight in supposed consideration for her safety.


Days passing in swift succession, by and by their considerably long arduous trek had eventually led them to a densely forested, far steeper gradient (incline, slope) of the foothills. In due course Mokak’s unnatural unease, his clear apprehension of the water - whether it be threat of an impending rain, or an encounter with a cascading fall, a brook or a stream- indubitably became manifest. Those instances his anxiety had been so pronounced in fact that the procurement of water from thence became Teuquob’s sole responsibility.


As he clearly never bathed but was nevertheless always immaculate in body and free from any objectionable bodily odors; curiosity getting the better of her, she’d delicately broached the subject of hygiene with him. But his response had been to simply glare at her with an icy, almost hateful scorn.

He had other means of cleansing himself; water was not the only alternative source.

Later still, having thought better of it, he’d tried to make amends, but his explanation had fallen far short of any credible excuse. Especially since she’d now become acutely aware of, despite the resolute guise, his total lack of intake of water. Subsequently, his erratic temperament, compounding other such inconsistencies, had once more raised her innate suspicions.

This setback infuriated Mokak and he became more adamant in implementing sly steps for the speedier execution of this frustratingly resistant yet delectable conquest. 

At long last he’d thought he’d chosen a worthy mate that through the means of merging (encapsulation) could render him invulnerable and resistant to capture/enslavement. Truly this was the most desirable feat (option) – such as, her womb being used as a husk (pod) to allow his birth, a supposed human baby but one that would mature instantly. Maddeningly however, despite all his cunning judiciousness, she’d persisted in seeing him nothing more than a friend, a traveling companion… and loved him not, as a mate! He’d striven hard to break down her barriers, must he resort to force?

But then the blending of the two would not be as gratifying or as complete. Instead, with the lacking key ingredient, her free-willingness to submit to their union, soon after the coerced consummation or to put it bluntly, assault- instead of being pregnant, she would perish (be incinerated) and so would his implanted rudiment, much like before!

  Fortunately for her, he felt secure in this sanctified region and therefore could indulge in that rare trait, patience.

 His modified characteristics and forbearance were not to last however, for Mokak’s manifest irregularities before long, again, reinstated her innate misgivings. Mokak, now a broiling cauldron within, all the same strove hard to keep his temper in check. On the outset he maintained his placid composure and appeared most compliant. His marked sincerity, on many other feats as well, by degrees bore fruit and, he eventually succeeded in regaining her complete trust. Moreover, his constant, unstinting efforts to indulge her every whim, always making amends while employing charming, witty ways to lighten their mood, his altruistic, solicitous behavior, slowly, methodically in due course endeared him to Teuquob.


They continued to hike each day covering immeasurable terrain; despite the traversed distance however, Teuquob soon become acutely aware that they had been, figuratively speaking, traveling in circles. Notwithstanding this realization, on her insistence, guided by her intuition, they presently pressed on in an entirely new direction of her choosing; but akin to being caught in a treadmill, the subsequent days of tireless trek showing minimal result, had only brought them to the lower gradient (slopes) of the majestic mountain. The rampant foliage of the next plateau proved even more hazardous for Teuquob, for the rank, fetid air strained and, at times seriously encumbered (debilitated) her lungs. Each step taken with ever increasing difficulty, she now gasped for breath and frequently halted for that much needed respite.

It was hard to gage Mokak’s stamina; Teuquob could never be entirely certain of his physical traits (attributes, vigor).

 Fortunately for her, she did not easily succumb to vertigo and fall off the precarious trail that snaked along the narrow ridges that lined the high precipices, and so doing, succumbed to the perils of the deep.  For the gorges descended so far down that the darkened bottoms greeted the very gates of hell.  Adding to this danger was now the constant, all-pervasive clamor or roaring of the wild beasts. But as if they were invisible, and you can be sure that they were, not one winged predator or land-based carnivore came forth to endanger their life or devour them!

This afforded her scant relief from the heightened senses of preservation monopolized in war with this pseudo-reality. Meanwhile her mind had gradually become clouded as the manifest reality with meshed imagery receded into convoluted, deceptive state. Her head swooned and her focus often became erratic in clarity. As though cast under the spell of some miasmic world, she fought hard to bar (prevent, block, desist) intrusive bizarre thoughts, strong urges and the mesmerizing hallucinations.

Then one day, after rounding a steep hill, they had suddenly happened on an escalating number of stone steps etched into the mountain that were partially obscured by the overgrown wild vegetation. When pursued, it had eventually led to a tall structure encased in natural rock walls with its steeples raising behind it that looked to be of a religious nature, a sanctuary of sorts. Ascending the remainder steps swiftly as they could, they had eagerly used the door-clapper and pronto, after some inquiry and shuffling of feet to and for, they were politely led in by one of the senior young acolytes that’d been guarding the gate. 

The interior grounds were deceptively large, with well-groomed trees lining the snaking pathways, open courtyards with benches for reflecting on the displayed exquisite forms of rocks or the pockets of rare flowering plants and tiny brooks- the entire structure quite immaculate and rather serene. Shown to their respective rooms by an on-duty monk, they’d been succinctly provided with the necessary requirements of comfort, clothing and sustenance. After a restful period, she and Mokak had been ushered before the reserved, pious Abbot Koe, to state their individual requirements. Even though Teuquob had no preconceived ideas about the Abbot, contrasting sharply from the resident monks, with his elongated snow-white hair and beard, cloaked in pristine white garments, the abbot presented a most striking, saintly, dignified devout figure. And when he spoke, his enunciation of words was like symphony of melodious tones, putting all present, including Teuquob’s heart, instantaneously at ease.

“No matter which path one takes, all religious denominations or ecclesiastical beliefs eventually lead to the same route”. Abbot Koe, a most understanding figure, after patiently listening to Teuquob, to her relief, nodded in the affirmative then without prejudice made certain arrangements to accommodate even her varied religious persuasions (beliefs). Subsequently, after few day’s preparations, spiritual cleansing and apt prayers, she’d been given the key opportunity to perform all the requisite sacrifices to her dearly departed mother. Furthermore, Abbot Koe, a most gracious host, had extended his invitation to her, despite the obvious absence of other female worshippers in the sanctum, to stay at the retreat as long as she wished. When she’d expressed her desire to stay for a while till, she’d regained her strength, Mokak’s expression had been unreadable. He’d for a time in silence with a blank face had simply stared at her, then turned and left without uttering a word. He was absent thereafter, but she hardly missed him as her assigned light duties kept her both interested and busy. She soon lost all track of time as this was the most beautiful, serene place, with an extensive library and a custodian elderly monk that was more than willing to educate her during her free hours.

Then one day, visited by Mokak, she was told of his private requirement. Seeking religious solitude, to fulfill his obligations, he would be enabled hence, to see or speak to her (remain in non-communication) for number of days. She was assured nevertheless, that she would be in good hands under the protective guidance of the Abbot Koe. She could be recruited into the ranks of acolytes or monks full time rather than temporary resident guest, if she so desired and from hence devote herself to religious studies. However, if this was not to her liking, she was at liberty to leave with him when he had fulfilled his religious obligations and undertook the next leg of the journey in life.

This gave her a lot to think about. As much as she liked it here, would she fit in permanently? Should she forsake her inherent (intrinsic, innate) need to see and experience what the rest of the world offered or remain here in safety and absolute bliss? For an apt decision she needed more time to consider all aspects. Meanwhile she would continue to partake in this austere nevertheless complacent religious lifestyle that combined prayers and ordinary chores regardless of one’s prior standing in life, for within the walls of sanctuary all was considered equal.


On the second night, however, shortly after all candle lights had been extinguished and everyone settled in a blissful sleep, she had had a visitor that proved to be Chenko Haken. She could hardly believe her eyes. For one thing he appeared so different with his short hair and austere plain garments of a monk. She’d stood there, quite dumbfounded, staring at his face till the true recognition set in.

Yes, it was Chenko Haken, the lush, wavy, resplendent hair that had made him so attractive was cut short (and tapered) but his handsome features, those beautiful eyes were the same.

“Oh, Chenko Haken, I’d missed you so. I thought you’d perished in the storm (swallowed by the sea). I feared I’d never see you again!” Her eyes brimming with joyful tears, her heart bursting with emotion, forgetting herself, she’d wrapped her arms around him in a tight squeeze.

She closed her eyes with blissful happiness absorbing the warmth of his body and listening to the familiar rhythmic beatings of his excited heart. For a time nothing mattered, as if the outside world had ceased to exist with all her hopes and dreams encapsulated in this loving, endearing embrace.

“Now that I’ve found you, I shall never, ever let you go.” His assertion echoed her sentiments and thoughts. “Yes, from hereon we shall never part.” She whispered her promise in return.

Cupping her cheeks, he pinned his loving gaze into hers and same time, it had happened quite voluntarily without thought, when his tender lips met hers.

“I’m sorry.” Reality taking hold, he abruptly stepped back. “I have no right to…”

“Hush!” She placed her fingers over his lips to silence him.

“No, this is no way to behave, I beg your pardon, please forgive this transgression.” He nevertheless insisted with those hurtful eyes, which clearly waged a private war of emotions torn between morality, duty and the natural instincts of a loving being. He lowered his head abjectly and turned on his heels next to leaving, but Teuquob barring his way pleaded with him to stay. Furthermore, she insisted on knowing how he’d survived the disaster at sea, how he happened to be here and why he hadn’t come forth earlier? 




